11-2019 price list/brackish, first time in USA, many new and brackish galore.


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Mar 14, 2005
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Mostly brackish - many first time and new items!

Here is my understanding of brackish water, and I've kept and researched this topic for over 25 years, yes I am old. I've collected and kept brackish fish ever since I was a kid and I've traveled to many countries up until now and have done the same.

People usually turn away as soon as they hear the word "brackish"
People often say "they'll need salt water as they grow older" which has no scientific backing whatsoever.
People think "salt" is the magic ingredient to keep them alive, which it isn't. Its not sodium chloride that makes them live, but a higher level of Calcium, magnesium that helps them grow and do well.
People often think, monodactylus, scats and spotted puffers are the only fish they can keep when there are thousands of species that venture into the brackish regions from freshwater and many come from the ocean. I will list the few I can think of off the top of my head with supporting evidence, and thank you for reading this far.

All the salmons, trouts, and chars, have land locked populations and ocean going populations, and this can interchange. Also not all anadromous pacific salmons die after spawning. There are sea run brown trouts, and brook trouts, and many more!

Most of the Poecilidae sp. like mollies, guppies, sword tails can and will live in pure freshwater, Mexico city where many are found, and down to the salt water in the Salton sea, where only a few species survive.

There was an article about Central American Cichlids, red devil, managuense, and dovii, etc... "Guapote" that live and breed in the ocean tidepools, published in TFH back in the early 1990s. I have severums that have bred in my brackish tank and raised their fry.

For the Heiko Bleher fans, he did a presentation a few years back, that showed pictures of red groupers and snappers that were caught in a landlocked lake.

Lake Taal in the Philippines which is believed to host populations of a few salt water fish, including the giant trevally, GT.

Many lakes host Bull sharks, charcharinus leucas - that travel hundreds, even thousand miles inland. Lake Nicaragua, Mississippi river, Ganges river, Zambezi river, etc, and there are many other sharks, like Glyphys sp. that is also found far up into the freshwater regions.

Blennies., did you know there is a complete freshwater species of blenny from Spain? This fish has eluded me forever., somebody want to ship me some???? Salaria fluviatilis. Similar to the ones like Omobranchus sp.

Epinephelus lanceolatus - Jeremy Wade caught a 50 pounder that was how many miles up river? and they breed them in brackish water for aquaculture now, seen with my own eyes. but many other species in the genus in Asia, as well as the giant grouper from the Atlantic, Epinephalus itajara can be found far into the river.

Centrompomus sp. snooks - i've actually caught small landlocked ones in lakes.

Most sturgeons - some go into the ocean, some are landlocked.

Alligator gars - have been seen and found in the ocean around Louisiana - I've read., maybe someone from there can chime in.

Tilapia of many species, oreochromis genus are found in salt water, like Salton sea, Alawai canal Hawaii., and around the world.

Brachyplatystoma filementosum, vaillanti - these are found just a couple of miles from the ocean in nearly salt water as well as up in Rio Nanay thousands of miles from the ocean.

Barbs, many are actually found in brackish water. The ever so hated and controlled Grass carp that was introduced by the US government, are actually raised in brackish water to enhance their meat quality in Asia., and there is naturally a family called Tribolodon sp. found around Japan that is the most colorful barb that actually is anadromous! I've caught a fat grown out gold fish miles from the ocean in brackish water, he took bait, so he wasn't stressed, and he was fat.

King mackeral, there is documents of a Scomberoides sp. that has been found way up in the Mekong river. According to Oliver Lucanus which I met many years ago, use to joke about how there was a freshwater "tuna" like fish which is this!

Megalops cyrpinoides and atlanticus - tarpons from Asia and the Atlantic can go far into the rivers.

The list can go on and on., many of the drums, some are brackish, some are fresh and salt.. Many of the tongue fish, soles, and flounders. Most puffers besides the deep reef and open pelagic species venture far into the freshwater. Acanthopagrus, Therapon sp., most of the gobies. many share relatives in the ocean, brackish, and some are landlocked while their cousins have babies that descend into the ocean to complete their life cycle. Many of the aguiliformes, true eels, and some gymnothorax sp. Many of the percadae, like Lates japonicus, calcarifer, lateolabrax, but also the Mandarin perch, like Siniperca. Plotosus, and the other stinging catfish species, many of the pangasius., and Himantura sp. rays. Notesthes robusta - the bullrout, this fish has eluded me my whole life. I need it. All the scats, and monos, and many of the jack trevally. In Hawaii, you can catch 3 species of Jack trevally far into the rivers. All the mullets, and they have shared landlocked ancestors. gudgeons, monos, archers. There are a dozen of species of Aridae sp, like sciades coumas, parkeri to cryptarius truncatus - google this one up, super cool- from South America to Asia that live in freshwater, some can reach 3-4 feet in length.

Remember that most rivers and estuaries, when the tide goes out, it happens once or twice a day the water becomes freshwater, and when the tide comes in, it becomes salt water., so the fish live in between and move up and down between these areas. They do not require a specific gravity or salinity to survive., and the shift is rather quick. Brackish fish are actually some of the most tolerant fish of all!

Part of the fun of fish keeping in being able to crack the code to keeping a certain species and learning about them. There is just so much about science and nature that we just don't understand and it is hard for us to unlearn what we've been told all of our lives, but remember that science is fluid instead of concrete. Once upon a time people did believe that the earth was flat and cutting part of your frontal lobe out was beneficial for mental health. Sorry for the typographical errors, and thank you for listening, happy fish keeping. Share this message!

Here comes the list of brackish fish that I'm currently offering:

Epinephelus erythrurus - cloudy grouper, this fish can reach almost 2 feet, and one of the few species listed to exist and live in brackish mangrove areas, where these were collected. This rarely seen grouper can live with anything too big to swallow and will eat any prepared meaty food even trained to take pellets. This is actually my first time getting them!! 3-4" big right now $125.00 each, limited numbers

Epinephelus lanceolatus - leucistic. 12" big., this is not a hybrid tiger grouper! Also this is not a blind fish that lost its pigmentation. This fish is pure white with black eyes. I haven't decided what to do with hit yet!!! Videos of it will be posted on Instagram at a later date.

Lutjanus goldei - new guinea black bass, the strongest fighting freshwater true snapper, that rarely ventures into the brackish area and almost never in the ocean. These are rare, I'm the only one in the USA offering them., I only have one piece right now, 5" big, eating everything. $450.00 The ones I sold last year are over 12" now.

Lutjanus argentimaculatus - red mangrove snapper, these are not the same as the ones from Florida canals. These have been documented in a reservoir in Australia, also a few videos on youtube of people with 18" ones.

Neopomacentrus taeniurus is a brackish and freshwater species of damselfish found in the western and central Indo-Pacific. This fish is rarely imported or offered, very inquisitive, behaves like a small cichlid. Will do well in lightly brackish water with other cichlids.

Antennarius biocellatus - coined brackish water angler fish, which is also sometimes found in freshwater. They range in color from red, brown and yellow. I've interviewed people in the Philippines that find these in flooded rice field and canals far inland. This fish has been exported on a few occasions in the past with very poor success, however it is a super cool fish. They have feet, and their gills are two small vent holes on the side of their body, with a fishing lure attached to their head to entice prey. I've kept one for over 1 year before in a planted aquarium. Just like all anglers they die sometimes from eating too much. These fish live in a very niche environment, and seldom venture out, so most freshwater collectors or salt water divers rarely encounter them.

I have a friend that kept his with a tank of cardinal tetras for over 2 years and the angler preferred eating ghost shrimp over small fish, and this was my experience as well. This fish is only for very dedicated hobbyists to keep.

I will ship these, but cannot ensure how well they live or do in your fish tank., its a risk you'll have to take. Currently offered are the brown ones only. 3-4" $125.00 each., 5-6" $150.00 each.

Giuris margaritacea - snakehead gudgeon - this is patterned like a chameleon and can reach over 12" can tolerate and live in a wide range of water from full salt to full freshwater. They will eat pellets and small shrimps. Rarely offered or seen 5" big right now $75.00 each

Tetraroge barbata - light brackish scorpion fish, max 3-4" I will post vidoes of them eating blood worms and guppies on Instagram. Rare wild from Java, Indoensia $45.00 each.

Ophioeleotris aporos - rainbown gudgeon. 4-5" these beauties can live in fresh or brackish water, and tolerate pretty extreme temperatures. They're peaceful by nature, but will eat smaller fish and shrimps. can reach 8" in the wild. Pretty uncommon in the hobby. I have a small group of them. $35.00 each.

Epinephelus lanceolatus - captive bred queensland grouper. These were bred in low brackish water, destined for restaurants in China. I rescued these babies, that will eventually grow big enough to eat everything in your tank and your dog, you've been warned. cute little babies 1.5" $85.00 each
Maccullochella peelii - murray cod 5-6" $125.00 each., these are a grouper like fish that grows to 100 pounds, can handle cold and warm water. These are pellet trained also.

Kuhlia rupestris 2-3" big, eats anything, will grow to 12" or more, living in pure fresh to brackish water. wild caught from Taiwan $55.00 each

Dichotomyctere erythrotaenia, or the red-striped toadfish, is a species of pufferfish native to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea where it is found most often in brackish water environments. This species grows to a length of 8.5 centimetres
These guys came in super clean., and eating well. $35.00 each.
This fish is very seldomly seen and even less often this healthy. That is why you won't find any hobbyists with these in their puffer tanks at this time in the USA.

Auriglobus naritus - gold bar puffer. sold out. I imported 80 of them, and only 8 made it alive. the ones alive are doing well, and being shipped out as we speak. Due to the long duration of travel and export facility conditions, I'm not sure if these will come in again.

Colomesus psittacus - I'm out, but let me know if you want some.

Tetradon mbu, scoutedni, murius I'm out, sign up to be notified when more come in.

Echidna rhodochilus - white cheeked moray eel. These fish are like marine green morays, with a velvety green and brown skin that has a reflective tint. They came in very clean and are already eating smelt and shrimp, currently living with some cichlids. 10-14" big $65.00 each

Gymnothorax polyuranodon - I've kept them in pure fresh for years., my customer kept them with discus. Current study states they do not go into Marine water. Some never even enter brackish water. This is one of the only true moray eels that do this. I've had some 48 inch ones in the past.

18" $225.00
25" $330.00
30" $400.00
32" $550.00

Bottom dwellers

Mastacembelus unicolor - this is like a fire eel that has beige racing stripes on the body only, these are about 15" big at this time, very inquisitive and healthy. only 4 pieces only $100.00 each. this is new and rare to the hobby.
This fish has been described scientifically back in 1831 by Cuvier. This description based on unpublished data and specimens collected by the naturalists Kuhl and van Hasselt, who died at an early age in 1821 and 1823 in Java. They left an important collection of fishes and accurate drawings of fish. Such a drawing also exists of Mastacembelus unicolor. One can clearly recognize the unusual stripe over the pectoral fin and the white seam running along the whole of the dorsal, caudal, and ventral fins. So our new imports – obviously a pair – look at least very, very similar to M. unicolor.

L134 - captive bred, P. compta pleco, wild ones are hard to get and often have parasite problems. These are high contrast colored ones, aprox 2" big, super healthy and easy to keep.
$50.00 each

Hypostomus regani - wild fish, 3-4" can reach 15" and tolerate cold water, very pretty fish and rare $65.00 each

Ancistrus sp. wild bushy nose from Paraguay - 2-4" $45.00

Rhinelepis aspera - 4" black green flat pleco that looks like a huge otocinculus from Paraguay/Argentina region. $45.00 each 9" x 1 piece $150.00

L333 - 3-4" captive bred, super fat. $50.00 each

Albino L333 1.25" very limited quantity $140.00 each one left only!

LDA26 captive bred babies 1" $25.00 each

Hypostomus luteus -

Phase 2.5 starts at $750.00 each. many nice phase 3 and super yellow ones. please email for serious inquiries. the smallest I have are around 13'. I've never received any that were much smaller than that.

Rhindoras dorbingyi - sold out


Heterochromis multiden - ancient cichlid. one of the rare West African cichlids, grows up to look like an South American Chocolate cichlid. 1.25" babies $75.00 each, very limited quantity

I also have one adult female for sale, about 10" big, I lost the male. $300.00

Coptodon cf. deckerti Lake Ejagham West Africa x7 4" adult proven breeding group. message for interested buyers.

Oreochromis niloticus sub species Eduardianus Lake Kivu- rare f1 of a wild type tilapia 1-2" babies $15.00 each

Captive bred paretroplus nourissati - google this up if you don't what they look like., and only a few people have been able to breed them in the world, while wild ones are critically endangered. Super cool fish I bought for myself, and people came and bought them. I'm trying to locate more at this time, if you seriously need some please let me know.

Captive bred altum angel fish, half dollar body size, eating pellets and flakes, I have lost zero so far. They're hardy. unlike wild ones you spend $25-28 dollars each, 80% will die and are very sensitive. New batch and much bigger. These are very strong. $75.00 each

Crenicichla minuano 5-8" breeding size wild fish. $125.00 each.

Crenicichla vittata 5-6" x2 pieces, unsexed, wild fish. $75.00 each.

Oreochromis tanganicae - from highly colored strain, as seen on our instagram of the actual parents. These babies are 2" big, eating everything., some are showing a hint of the adult colors already. Unsexed $45.00 each

Barbs / Cyprinids

Chagunius chagunio "India" 7-8" super rare, wild Indian Horse barb, they get a nice red tail and round head. I'll post the video of them on Facebook and Instagram later.
very limited quantity, $150.00 each

Tor tambra 25" giant. almost too big to ship. will take offer


Neosilurus ater - 10" $175.00. only one piece., from the collector himself. very clean fish., rare New Guinean eel tail catfish.

Synodontis angelicus captive bred, 5" only 3 pieces., in perfect condition $75.00 each.

Leiocassis longirostris 4-5" solid looking ones. $100.00 each
these are the Yangtze River cat, they're predatory, can tolerate a wide range of temperatures., will eat smaller fish. Rare to find in the USA., looks like a shark


Rhoadsia altipinna super rare semi predatory tetra. Like a rainbow colored sabertooth from Ecuador. can reach 6-7" big, will eat small fish, but peaceful overall. 1" babies. $30.00 each.

Leporinus granti 5-6" they call them strawberry $125.00 these are rare, wild from Suriname

Hydrocynus "big eye" cf. tanzaniae These are found with goliaths in the wild, swims towards the bottom away from goliaths. 3-4" $125.00 each

Hoplias aimara - sold out, but let me know if you want one, for the future import

Myloplus torquatus "Brazil" These are medium sized wild Silver dollars for the aficionado connoisseurs grade of silver dollar/pacu type. They have a gold orange anal fin and greenish body. Will look amazing when they grow big, this is not a common one you will see from your local fish store. They have a beak on them as well. $100.00 each quarter to half dollar size.

Please email me in a separate email what you want in the title, it will help me not miss out on your order or questions.

email me at amazonaq@gmail.com for serious inquiries.
paypal to amazonaq@gmail.com
also now accept cashapp, venmo, zelle.

shipping via fedex overnight to your door for all smaller fish. runs about $65-75 dollars for most States. Pick up available in Southern California.
live arrival guaranteed.

For larger orders or larger fish, air cargo is a must., minimum order $500 for air cargo shipments.

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Staff member
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2016
South Africa
Whoah! Nice list! Got my jaw on the floor :nilly:


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 18, 2019
Just wanted to say thank you very much for the Aimara Wolf! He’s beautiful and the shipping/packing was excellent!! Perfect Vendor.
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Reactions: Blakewater


MFK Member
Apr 27, 2018
Just wanted to say thank you very much for the Aimara Wolf! He’s beautiful and the shipping/packing was excellent!! Perfect Vendor.
Wes is definitely stellar