172 Gallon Marine Predator Build


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 8, 2011
I wouldn't think so. You're purposing that I swap the pinnacle of fish keeping that gives me the recognition of breeding a group of fish that most people can't keep alive for what essentially a slow growing color blob? Remind me what the cost pound for pound is when compared to a high end stingray? Also how many restaurants have a run of the mill tank with the fake coral and typical reef fish and how many have Rays? Saltwater tanks are everywhere, I think that's part of the attraction to fw Rays is the ability to branch out and be different is what draws most people to rays.
Sorry don't see that happening anytime soon.
On the flip side E Energy converted from reef to rays as did my dad when he transitioned to sw Sharks then he got me interested in fw Rays.
There are saltwater stingrays. In addition to stingrays saltwater has skates, eagle rays, guitarfish and sharks. Keeping saltwater fish alive is much more difficult then freshwater, including water changes to maintain water quality.


MFK Member
Sep 18, 2014
Land of corn
There are saltwater stingrays. In addition to stingrays saltwater has skates, eagle rays, guitarfish and sharks. Keeping saltwater fish alive is much more difficult then freshwater, including water changes to maintain water quality.
No **** there's saltwater Rays. They're just ugly, drab, and have a tendency to not readily breed. Are you saying someone can keep an eagle Ray in a tank? Also why'd you put it seprate from the other species? It's still a stingray.

I'm sorry but I've found my saltwater tanks to be much more stable than any of my freshwater ones.

But are you implying that you don't have to do waterchanges to maintain quality?


MFK Member
Dec 22, 2015
Not my argument but I had no idea anyone was suggesting salt water is easier than freshwater . Learn something new everyday


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 8, 2011
Edit: I just checked out the tank dimensions and you should look into setting up a stingray tank. Maybe cortez or yellow rays.

No **** there's saltwater Rays. They're just ugly, drab, and have a tendency to not readily breed. Are you saying someone can keep an eagle Ray in a tank? Also why'd you put it seprate from the other species? It's still a stingray.

I'm sorry but I've found my saltwater tanks to be much more stable than any of my freshwater ones.

But are you implying that you don't have to do waterchanges to maintain quality?
I am not implying anything, I am saying that water changes are much more difficult, time consuming and utilize more resources then freshwater. I am not sure how you got no water changes from what I said.

Saltwater stingrays are very similar to freshwater stingrays and do breed fairly easy with proper water quality and food. People do breed stingrays. Eagle rays are not stingrays. Stingrays have stingers eagle rays do not. People have breed cow nose rays in captivity. Over all the freshwater stingrays availability and variety is much better then saltwater stingrays.

In your other post you stated " You're purposing that I swap the pinnacle of fish keeping that gives me the recognition of breeding a group of fish that most people can't keep alive for what essentially a slow growing color blob?" You claim freshwater stingray keepers keep stingrays because it is the pinncale of fish keeping and challenging. I guess saltwater rays are too challenging.


MFK Member
Sep 18, 2014
Land of corn
I am not implying anything, I am saying that water changes are much more difficult, time consuming and utilize more resources then freshwater. I am not sure how you got no water changes from what I said.
They're definitely not if you know what you're doing. Heck if you can read and have a brain it wouldn't too be hard to figure out how to do a waterchange.

Saltwater stingrays are very similar to freshwater stingrays and do breed fairly easy with proper water quality and food. People do breed stingrays. Eagle rays are not stingrays. Stingrays have stingers eagle rays do not. People have breed cow nose rays in captivity. Over all the freshwater stingrays availability and variety is much better then saltwater stingrays.
You're saying a hobbiest has breed cownose rays in captivity or are you trying to blur the line between zoos and hobbiests?
In your other post you stated " You're purposing that I swap the pinnacle of fish keeping that gives me the recognition of breeding a group of fish that most people can't keep alive for what essentially a slow growing color blob?" You claim freshwater stingray keepers keep stingrays because it is the pinncale of fish keeping and challenging. I guess saltwater rays are too challenging.
I'm pretty sure that if that if any one wanted to keep a saltwater tank the would. @DIDYIS keeps a saltwater tank but he also breeds stingrays so I guess that rules out that theory...


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 8, 2011
I always wanted more MFKs to setup saltwater tanks. Maybe some of the stingray people will convert.
This is what you are having a fit about. You don't like that's fine. Right now you sound like the drug homeless going rambling on about nothing. You pick one or two sentence and then go off on some stupid tangent.

"I'm pretty sure that if that if any one wanted to keep a saltwater tank the would. @DIDYIS keeps a saltwater tank but he also breeds stingrays so I guess that rules out that theory... "

Start a thread in the shark ray section asking if it is possible to breed saltwater sharks and stingrays in captivity?

What theory are you talking about? Your theory that freshwater stingrays "pinnacle of fish keeping that gives me the recognition of breeding a group of fish that most people can't keep alive for what essentially a slow growing color blob?"
I always wanted more MFKs to setup saltwater tanks. Maybe some of the stingray people will convert.


MFK Member
Sep 18, 2014
Land of corn
This is what you are having a fit about. You don't like that's fine. Right now you sound like the drug homeless going rambling on about nothing. You pick one or two sentence and then go off on some stupid tangent.

"I'm pretty sure that if that if any one wanted to keep a saltwater tank the would. @DIDYIS keeps a saltwater tank but he also breeds stingrays so I guess that rules out that theory... "

Start a thread in the shark ray section asking if it is possible to breed saltwater sharks and stingrays in captivity?

What theory are you talking about? Your theory that freshwater stingrays "pinnacle of fish keeping that gives me the recognition of breeding a group of fish that most people can't keep alive for what essentially a slow growing color blob?"
Curious what's a "drug Homeless"? Is it a drugged homeless person?
You're not making any sense. I'm going to call in Frank Castle Frank Castle to act as an interpreter.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Mar 8, 2011
Do you have any experience with breeding stingrays or saltwater stingrays. How long has your satwater tanks been up.

List of things Thekid is wrong about.

1) Saltwater stingrays don't easily breed in captivity when compaired to freshwater stingrays.
2) Eagle rays are stingrays even though they have no stinger.
3) Cownose rays have not been bred in captivity.
4) Cownose rays have not been bred by hobbiests.
5) Freshwater water changes are just as time consuming and resource intensive. We all know filling a tank up with a hose is just like filling up a bucket with water, add salt, add a powerhead (or hand stir if you would like), wating for it to mix and then using a hydrometer or refractometer to check salinity.
6) All saltwater stingrays are ugly and drab.

Ugliest stingray I have ever seen.

You're purposing that I swap the pinnacle of fish keeping that gives me the recognition of breeding a group of fish that most people can't keep alive for what essentially a slow growing color blob?
I see a question mark and a run on sentence. I don't understand what you are saying. Frank Castle Frank Castle help.
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MFK Member
Sep 18, 2014
Land of corn
Do you have any experience with breeding stingrays or saltwater stingrays.

List of things Thekid is wrong about.

1) Saltwater stingrays don't easily breed in captivity when compaired to freshwater stingrays.
2) Eagle rays are stingrays even though they have no stinger.
3) Cownose rays have not been bred in captivity.
4) Cownose rays have not been bred by hobbiests.
5) Freshwater water changes are just as time consuming and resource intensive. We all know filling a tank up with a hose is just like filling up a bucket with water, add salt, add a powerhead (or hand stir if you would like), wating for it to mix and then using a hydrometer or refractometer to check salinity.
6) All saltwater stingrays are ugly and drab.

Ugliest stingray I have ever seen.

I see a question mark and a run on sentence. I don't understand what you are saying. Frank Castle Frank Castle help.
I am in the process of finding a nice female for my male. My reef has been up two years come September and my fowlr will turn six in July.
What you're wrong about-
1.)Compared not compaired.
2.) Not having any sources.
3.) Having a reading comprehension issue trying to put words in my mouth I didn't say. See this quote for what I said about captivity vs. hobbiest's tanks-
You're saying a hobbiest has breed cownose rays in captivity or are you trying to blur the line between zoos and hobbiest?
4.)See above quote with question you never awnsered.
5.) Not knowing how to count past one.
6.) All rays that are easily available and readily kept are drab. Blue dots aren't often kept alive in captivity even by the world renowned shed aquarium.
7.) On the subject of water changes you're doing it wrong if you're filling up a bucket then mixing. Simply automate the process and viola you don't have to deal with the "complicated" steps of reading, measuring, waiting, stirring, and testing.
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Fat Homer

Mmmmm... Doughnuts
Staff member
MFK Member
Mar 16, 2009
^ Guys, not trying to stir the pot here, but why not take your argument to PM???