75 Gallon Nitrogen Cycle


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 25, 2016
Hi everyone!

I recently purchased a new 75 gallon tank. I added two top filters that are supposed to handle around 70 gallons each. I was looking into using this as a grow out tank for an arowana before it goes in a pond. I've set up quite a few tanks already (currently have a 55 with a couple of discus and some siamese algae eaters, a 10 gallon with some tetras, a 30 gal with clownfish, and another 30 with some angels). I've read quite a bit on the cycle but am just worried as I don't want to harm these bigger fish. I'm looking at the fish-less cycle and can use filter media from my other tanks. If I do so, how long would it be before I could place fish in? And if I am travelling for a while, can I just leave the tank sitting with water for around 3 weeks? If I tested for nitrates and such when I get back, and the levels are good, does that mean I can start putting fish in? Or is water aged that long not recommended?

Thank you so much for any and all help. All comments are greatly appreciated.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Sep 20, 2014
Salt Lake City
If you do a fishless cycle, you have to add PURE ammonia. Also, you should get a good liquid test kit like the API freshwater master test kit. It takes about 6 weeks for a tank to fully cycle. Add ammonia and test it. Do not let it get over 5 ppm. You need to add ammonia every day. Also, you need to test for nitrite and nitrate to see if the bacteria is actually processing the ammonia.


Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
If you do a fishless cycle, you have to add PURE ammonia. Also, you should get a good liquid test kit like the API freshwater master test kit. It takes about 6 weeks for a tank to fully cycle. Add ammonia and test it. Do not let it get over 5 ppm. You need to add ammonia every day. Also, you need to test for nitrite and nitrate to see if the bacteria is actually processing the ammonia.
I've got another tank coming in a few weeks for my RTGG. There won't be any rush to get it cycled as she's quite happy where she is for a while yet. I was going to start a thread about a fishless cycle but you've just laid it out plain and simple, cheers.


Probation Member
Probation Member
Sep 20, 2014
Salt Lake City
I've got another tank coming in a few weeks for my RTGG. There won't be any rush to get it cycled as she's quite happy where she is for a while yet. I was going to start a thread about a fishless cycle but you've just laid it out plain and simple, cheers.
Glad i could be of some assistance ;)