75 gallon suggestions


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 5, 2012
so I've been working on this alot lately (or should i say thinking):confused: anyways my thoughts for the residents for the tank are

1x tiger oscar
1x common pl*co
2x senegal bichir (or two different small bichirs)
maybe Raphael catfish if i can fit and find one, waiting on a call.

its gonna be more of a river theme with driftwood, some plants, sandy substrate, and about 3-4 caves

what i basically want to know is setup faults? filtration suggestions? fish suggestions?
any info is helpful thanks!:D
P.S. i know about pl*cos and they're fascination with polypterus slime coats and am figuring out how this could work help?


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Aug 4, 2011
Fort Worth Texas
Tank sounds interesting and I have all of the fish you listed currently living together, so I know for sure it will work (given the right amount of space).

Personally I'd drop the common pleco, the bio hog of the tank will be the Oscar (they're a bit messy) So without a hundred extra gallons or so I'd say that by adding the pleco you are really limiting your stocking options and having to over filter. I am a fan of them too but they really do make more of a mess than they clean up. If you really want a Pleco, I'd do a little searching and try to find something a bit smaller.

I've linked this before and I'm sure I'll do it again: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/topic/132656-30-plecos-under-8-inches/
...this is a great link on smaller plecos!

As far as the Bichirs go, I'm a huge fan and I say if you want them in the tank, then go for it! Do keep an eye out though, just like any other cichlid the Oscar may decide he doesn't like one or both of them one day (this goes for pretty much anything).

I would also look into adding a small shoal of dither fish, be it: silver dollars, giant Danios or even other smaller cichlids.

Filtration: I wouldn't suggest anything smaller than a canister like an Eheim 2217 but buying something bigger like an FX5 would definitely cover any and all filtration concerns as well as allow you to make future upgrades without having to buy a new filter.

Good luck on the setup and keep us posted :)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 5, 2012
aww this is sad new because im currently keeping my pleco in my 30 gallon i've become so intrigued with it and it's gonna be hard to say bye but if its what i have to do to keep my other fish happy then ill have to do it. but what about a raphael catfish? my only concern is if the oscar might try to eat it. :/. i looked at the plecos in that list and not bad:thumbsup: also filtration, i know those brands and i would love one but it's always the price that gives me second thoughts:(
more suggestions? oh nd btw im new here so hi!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 21, 2012
Malibu, California
The Oscar will destroy the plants so don't even ware the money. I put LOTS of plants in mine and he destroyed every single one. He may be okay but when he reaches six inches he will turn into rampage mode. Keep the pleco, their awesome even if they don't eat algae. Don't know about the catfish though. Look into some Pictus catfish. They move around during the day, are awesome looking, and can fend for themselves with their venomous fins. You just must try not to touch it, it's like a wasp sting. And also welcome to mfk!

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Aug 5, 2012
cool guys thanks! i looked into the eheim and i guess ill have to rack up some money because thats a bit out of budget. but i guess it would work. also i heard that oscars and pictus dont get along too well oscars have tried to eat them :(


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 21, 2012
Malibu, California
cool guys thanks! i looked into the eheim and i guess ill have to rack up some money because thats a bit out of budget. but i guess it would work. also i heard that oscars and pictus dont get along too well oscars have tried to eat them :(
Ok just, PLEASE, for your sake, don't even try the plants.

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