A few Clown Knife ?'s


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
I have had a Clown Knife for a few months now. I have never seen him eat anything. He got beat up in my "tough guy" tank, so I moved him in my starter tank with my baby Red Devil.

What is the best thing to feed the Knife?

Will he try to attack my Devil?....The Knife is much bigger.

Thanks...... :grinno:


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 10, 2005
most of these guys were fed primarily on feeders while in the fish stores so you have to train them to eat frozen foods.. i had to starve mine for about 3 weeks before he took in shrimp, mussles and anchovies but after that he mostly ate anything meaty i give him.. it helps if he has a tankmate that eats those foods to follow though :)


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
I feed the Devil frozen brine shrimp and Cichlid Gold.......along with occasional ghost shrimp. So that will be what he will get I guess untill he decides to eat.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
I have had a Clown Knife for a few months now. I have never seen him eat anything. He got beat up in my "tough guy" tank, so I moved him in my starter tank with my baby Red Devil.

What is the best thing to feed the Knife?

Will he try to attack my Devil?....The Knife is much bigger.

Thanks...... :grinno:
ive had luck feeding my smaller clown knives bloodworms and small earth worms.
how big is the RD? will it fit in the knifes mouth? the clown knifes mouth is larger than it appears so i would be careful. ive only had one clown knife that attack fish larger than it could eat. my other one comm's well with fish to large to eat.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
May 9, 2005
A Watery Grave
I have had a Clown Knife for a few months now. I have never seen him eat anything. He got beat up in my "tough guy" tank, so I moved him in my starter tank with my baby Red Devil.

What is the best thing to feed the Knife?

Will he try to attack my Devil?....The Knife is much bigger.

Thanks...... :grinno:
Try feeders... they normally whet the appetite of any pred fish... If it still doesnt work try adding some driftwood or hiding spots where he can ambush prey. Sometimes certain individuals get stressed from having no cover...

I find them peaceful fish only dangerous to tankmates they can swallow... uncommonly aggressive.