Animal cruelty?


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Oct 7, 2016
Please don't get mad at me or judge me for posting this and I know it's not important but it's just something I was wondering what other people on this site think.

I read a thread someone else posted on this website about people being charged with animal cruelty for butchering a lobster without killing it first. Why are people not charged for animal cruelty for boiling them alive in a pot without killing it first? Please don't tell me it's more humane to boil a living thing to death. Why aren't we taught as children nor as adults that it is illegal to do the butchering alive thing and you will be charged and have animal cruelty on your record for doing so? Anyways please don't get mad at me, I know I am somewhat complaining, but it's really questionable to me....I welcome anybody's thoughts.


MFK Member
Dec 13, 2018
The Sunny San Joaquin
I go fishing when I can get away at the right times, and I have sliced the throat of many a fish. As they were bleeding out I chopped off the heads. I cleaned them and cooked them and we ate them. Those fish were often just tossed on ice as I caught them, and cleaned some hours later. Many survived the ice chest to be cut up. Was this some inhumane sickness?

It's a man-eat-fish world (though sometimes the opposite.)
They (and all lifeforms) are here in support of our position on top.
They are here for us, and not we for them, except at our pleasure.

There is a special difference between cooking a live fish and cooking a live human.
I'd say it's about a trillion to one, meaning there really is no meaningful comparison.
Even if we cooked every shellfish in the seven seas.

If we had to choose extermination of all fish or all humans, would there be a sane vote for fish?
Even if the death of fish meant the possible future extinction of man too?
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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Oct 7, 2016
I go fishing when I can get away at the right times, and I have sliced the throat of many a fish. As they were bleeding out I chopped off the heads. I cleaned them and cooked them and we ate them. Those fish were often just tossed on ice as I caught them, and cleaned some hours later. Many survived the ice chest to be cut up. Was this some inhumane sickness?

It's a man-eat-fish world (though sometimes the opposite.)
They (and all lifeforms) are here in support of our position on top.
They are here for us, and not we for them, except at our pleasure.

There is a special difference between cooking a live fish and cooking a live human.
I'd say it's about a trillion to one, meaning there really is no meaningful comparison.
Even if we cooked every shellfish in the seven seas.

If we had to choose extermination of all fish or all humans, would there be a sane vote for fish?
Even if the death of fish meant the possible future extinction of man too?
You bring up good points. There are PETA animal activists out there who would choose the lobster to live over the humans who butchered it without killing it first, no joke. Oops, I called the lobster "it". I'm not sure what the gender of the lobster was, it wasn't mentioned in the post.
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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
We all abhor animal cruelty but at the same time some would say we're all a bunch of hypocrites too. Most of us eat meat, eggs, fish, wear leather, whatever, you can see what i'm getting at. We cannot be 100% certain that any of those animals haven't suffered in captivity or the way they've been slaughtered.

Only yesterday I watched an advert on TV. It showed the appalling lives that donkeys in North Africa have to endure. They use them on building sites to carry bricks on their backs. I could have cried for those animals. But yet in the morning I was out in the garden butchering slugs that have been eating my plants!

Is it OK for gardeners to kill slugs? Is it OK to work those donkeys to death in North Africa? Is there a proven humane way of killing your lobster? These are three examples of literally millions of cruelty to animals related issues going on in the world everyday.

Can we stop it through education. I doubt it very much.

P.S. You've got me feeling all guilty now, does anyone know of a humane way to kill slugs?


MFK Member
Nov 6, 2017
All you can really do is source meat and animal products that have been treated/sourced&/slaughtered as humanely as possible or become a vegan.
No one has ever solved the best way to kill a lobster, I think sticking it in the freezer for a while first would be best but who really knows.
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Balaclava Bot Butcher
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2015
Use a Louisville Slugger?
View attachment 1380720

Sorry I couldn't resist :)
I've already got something similar under my bed. It's for any would be burglars who plan on breaking in and putting my family at risk. Never had to use it...yet!:naughty:

I could use it on the slugs I suppose but then it would get full of slug slime and guts and if I ever had to use it on a burglar i'd feel guilty about covering him in slug guts whist peppering his brains all over my walls!:grinyes:
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MFK Member
Jul 12, 2017
Fredericksburg va
Most of the dedicated keepers on this site would agree that a quick, more or less "humane" death is preferable to keeping an animal in cramped, filthy conditions for an extended period of time. If youre killing the animal to eat, its always just made sense to me to kill the animal as quickly as possible and not torture it.

Ive never had a problem shooting a deer or lopping the head off of a chicken, but i still squirm when i throw the crabs in the pot. If there was another way to do it i would, but they are just too tasty for me to stop eating at the behest of the activists.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 2, 2006
Please don't get mad at me or judge me for posting this and I know it's not important but it's just something I was wondering what other people on this site think.

I read a thread someone else posted on this website about people being charged with animal cruelty for butchering a lobster without killing it first. Why are people not charged for animal cruelty for boiling them alive in a pot without killing it first? Please don't tell me it's more humane to boil a living thing to death. Why aren't we taught as children nor as adults that it is illegal to do the butchering alive thing and you will be charged and have animal cruelty on your record for doing so? Anyways please don't get mad at me, I know I am somewhat complaining, but it's really questionable to me....I welcome anybody's thoughts.
Here, read this:

All you can really do is source meat and animal products that have been treated/sourced&/slaughtered as humanely as possible or become a vegan.
No one has ever solved the best way to kill a lobster, I think sticking it in the freezer for a while first would be best but who really knows.
There is a lobster maturity study being conducted by some coworkers. They actually freeze the lobsters for a short while prior to dissecting them.


MFK Moderators
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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
I believe it is much less humane to keep a 1 ft fish in a 4 ft tank than it is to quickly kill a lobster in either method above.
I live on a small island where lobsters, shrimp and fish are the only available sources of protein, and major sources of income for many locals, they would consider this argument ridiculous.
Of course if you ask the traditional hook and line fishermen about the factory ships that lift an entire school of tuna from the sea in one fell swoop, killing thousands of fish for our tuna salad sandwiches, decimating the areas tuna population, and all the other animals killed along with the tuna, they might lend an ear.