Anyone have peaceful leporinus?


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
So far, all of mine have been downright nasty. For some reason most of what is online says they are “peaceful.” Has anyone managed to get them to be nice, and how did you do it?


POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
Yeah, all of mine in the past were an inch per month until 6 inch. Anything near my current one’s size it abuses. He has killed a few fish at this point.


MFK Member
Jul 31, 2019
I've kept a few species over the years in various setups. I've noticed that they do best in groups and with fast moving fish. I currently have four L. nijsseeni in a tank with barred silver dollars, six Geophagus sp. Alto Sinu, a dozen black skirt tetras amongst others. The Leporinus are 4.5 -6 inches long and don't really bother anyone.

A couple of questions for you... what species of Leporinus are you keeping? How bib is you tank? What are you keeping them with?
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POTM Curator
Staff member
MFK Member
Aug 31, 2020
I’ve only ever kept banded leporinus. I’ve always
A while ago while I was very much inexperienced I kept 3 in a 60 gallon with 3 red belly pacu and other semi aggressive community fish. Blood bath. The Leps took out any bottom feeders and the pacu everyone else. When they got too big I got rid of them.
Almost 3 years ago I got a new banded leporinus, who I first kept in a 60 with other semi aggressive fish, knowing what I was getting into this time. As he grew, he mainly harassed balas and silver dollars, killing both sharks. Anything else he killed was usually sick. When I got a baby rbp I moved him into a different 60 with it. After a year the piranha died (only after taking the leporinus’s eye out).
Now he is living with sa/ca cichlids, where he is the dominant fish. He has killed a balloon gt and a convict, both juvies. Now, as my severum is getting larger the lep has been bothering him, but not too bad.
What I’ve noticed is that in groups they aren’t as nasty, but very territorial. Alone, the whole tank is their territory and anything else is a threat. The only victim I’ve seen a leporinus actually eat was a crayfish, otherwise they practically kill for sport.
My main point with the thread is just to see if mine are an anomaly and most actually are “peaceful vegetarians,” or if they are actually as mean as my experience shows. A lot of what I’ve read on fact sheets is that they are nice, but most experiences I’ve seen have shown the opposite.