
MFK Member
Mar 6, 2021
Well Trifasciata are a bit more aggressive than some other species of apistogramma. Many apisto will give the tail shake or dart a bit before being out right aggressive but others will go straight to the attack (kill first ask questions later ;) )

I thought the Convict was aggressive during spawning Apistogramma take it to a whole new level.


MFK Member
Mar 6, 2021
Interesting mix of fishes; i'm curious what temp. you keep the tank? For some reason I thought pearl cichild prefer cooler waters while the Trifasciata prefer warmer waters but perhaps i am mistkaen?

Trifasciata are about to spawn. This male has been giving the little terapurpura and laguna molle brasiliensis the business. You can see the shadow of the females outline in the cave
View attachment 1467936
View attachment 1467937

C. Breeze

MFK Member
Mar 11, 2021
Coastal Empire
I think the tank is about 76. I really dislike keeping tanks at a steady temp- I like it to go up and down like it does for real- but this is in the house and I’ll live with it until o toner when I know I it down. The various little Uruguay fry that are in there are Just dithers. I have terapurpura like some people have snails.

Common misconception to consider the southern fish “cold water” or “cool water” species. More accurate to to think of them as seasonal fish that can take high highs and low lows.

76 is pretty middle of the road. The vat they were born in gets up to 90 pretty regularly

The Uruguay fish will get as cold as it gets this fall/ winter (water in the low 50s a lot of mornings and not hitting 60 very often) but these trifasciata will go down to 65-68 or so- I have no idea how far removed this pair is from rio Paraguay (purchased as wild but…) but they should be fine anywhere from 65 to 85- and if they aren’t they’re “fake” aquarium strain strain fish too far removed from actual representation of the species to be of interest anyway.
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MFK Member
Mar 6, 2021
When I made the comment I was thinking the trifasciata prefer warmer waters with the peral cichilid prefering cooler waters but perhaps i am mistkaen. Btw 68 for the trifasciata seem pretty cool. One concern would be that temp changes a lot faster in your tank than in the wild.

I think the tank is about 76. I really dislike keeping tanks at a steady temp- I like it to go up and down like it does for real- but this is in the house and I’ll live with it until o toner when I know I it down. The various little Uruguay fry that are in there are Just dithers. I have terapurpura like some people have snails.

Common misconception to consider the southern fish “cold water” or “cool water” species. More accurate to to think of them as seasonal fish that can take high highs and low lows.

76 is pretty middle of the road. The vat they were born in gets up to 90 pretty regularly

The Uruguay fish will get as cold as it gets this fall/ winter (water in the low 50s a lot of mornings and not hitting 60 very often) but these trifasciata will go down to 65-68 or so- I have no idea how far removed this pair is from rio Paraguay (purchased as wild but…) but they should be fine anywhere from 65 to 85- and if they aren’t they’re “fake” aquarium strain strain fish too far removed from actual representation of the species to be of interest anyway.
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