Asian Arowana Breeding Dance


Doomsday Device
Staff member
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MFK Member
Nov 12, 2007
thats so cool
can you give some info as to what all you have done to get a breeding pair and all
how old are they and pls do keep us updated


MFK Member
Jun 14, 2005
here fishy fishy
Both aros have been together now for about 2 years.....

The one I think is male is from Xien Leng Farm, they don't date their certs...:screwy: but he was purchased back in 2003 at 5-6", now 23".

The supposely female is from WanHu and cert dated 2005, and was purchased at 6-7" that same year, now 23".

A friend of mine had the male, and I asked him to bring over for a play day, in the 180 with my green......they went insane....and had to split almost immediately.....this went on for at least 6-7 months.....I would remove divider whenever I was doing maintenance on the tank, nad let frolic...sometimes they would be good for while, others would have to split right time the male while lunging at the female, wacked a 12" flagtail with his tail, and sent him sailing out of the 180 which I left lids open, across the room and right into a 120 gallon I was doing a water change on...LOL (too bad no youtube of that one)

One day when I just about givin up, and had told my buddy to come grab the green....that exact same day I pulled out the divider, and all was silent....they would flare at each other, open mouth to bite tail....but then they would just go on there ways.....

The fish seem to know each the lights go on/off....they go into flare position, until they realize who the other is...and then calm down....seem like it takes few seconds for their eyes to focus...LOL

They are now in a 220 gallon, 2 FX5's, bare-bottom, no heater, room at 72 degrees....I do have a 4 foot light fixture, but jsut turn on as I do maintenance, room light goes on at 10-11am till 12-1am when I go to bed...

I do daily water changes of anywhere from 1/2 tank to 1/4 tank and syphon the bottom for were being fed beefheart, shrimp, smelt every other day.....not long ago I fed a treat of superworms, and all hell broke loose....female putting a pounding to the male, and I had to separate....male was in other tank for couple months, I figured give them a break......I have since introduced them, took day and a half, like I said, they seem to know each being fed only on pellet, Hikari food sticks, and NLS 5mm floating, they are slowly warming up too..LOL

As for other water parameters, I have no idea......:confused:

I have had the full of other tankmates, but have removed all, jsut left the flagtail for food cleanup.....

As for the noise they make, both make it, the female much lower and not as often....the male does it 3-5 times a day....but I noticed that at around 1am give or take 10 minutes he will do it.....LOL even before they would always dance around at that time....wondering it breeding is a night thing? Most of us guys could atest to liking a little fornication before bed.....:headbang2

Crap this is a lot of typing.......brain tired....
