At What Age Would You Let Your Daughter Have a Boyfriend?


MFK Member
Dec 27, 2011
man, it's gonna be so awkward. i'm glad I have quite a few years before the dating thing becomes a true reality.

lol, early intervention is key. start the relationship with your daughters early. love them, be there for them, teach them. so when the rebellious years come you will be in better shape.

I gotta have an age limit though. I would love for it to be after highschool. but no way would I ever approve anything under like, 14-15 years old. that's just me though
I think you are right on to be honest, I am a little nervous myself. Just keep a big gun on standby just in case. I like .357 magnum lol kidding..sort of.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jun 12, 2005
BTW parents can make a difference in what kids do when the parents aren't around. I don't know where the powerlessness philosophy came from with some parents.

My kids know they are loved but they also know there are boundaries with consequences and rewards. The most important thing is actually spending time with them listening to them and putting down the damn smartphone for a second.
I think you nailed it.


MFK Member
Jun 9, 2007
I'm Where I'm At
so what age guys?

we're slightly straying from the question in the op. which I don't mind though


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2009
Austin, Texas
Truthful I'm not going to be real strict, I don't want to turn her away from getting married and stuff. I went through that and wouldn't wish that on anyone... as long as school is her number one focus. I highly doubt I'll even be alive when she's thirty.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jun 12, 2005
My daughter just turned 16. She has had many interested boys for years but I don't think it makes any sense to allow dating early. We are just to the point where we will allow a boy to come over if we are home and shoot baskets etc. I've always tried to impress upon her the need to be picky when it comes to boys and look for good qualities etc.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 27, 2007
I must comment....

11 & 13yr old girls, one entering middle school, the other high school.

I am old fashioned and me being the normal horn dog growing up, I feel the need to be my daughters 2nd set of eyes. 99% of this topic at home is from my older daughter. She has expressed her interest in boys but not ready to date (THANK GOD!!). I see quite a few boys after my daughter, from buying her flowers, necklace, letters etc... She lets them know where she/they stand. With that said, there is one little chit (sorry, just venting) that she does like. Looking at him from another adults set of eyes, he is very studious, smart, confident, not aggressive (romantic or sexually) and walked up to me and asked if i was _____'s father. Wanted to introduce himself and shook my hand (there is chemistry between them, just fyi). Still... I will not allow her to date. Now, its easy for me to say "No" but its my actions to fill the void.

As a father, I need to take my precious daughter on dates. Show her how a man should treat her. Tell her she looks beautiful, open the door for her, paint her nails, listen to her. Explain how "your purity is the most precious gift you can give your husband" (virginity). I need to set the bar and set it high. Do I fall short, absolutely. This is why I believe the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child". On top of this, she needs to see how mom is being treated.

I bust my mind on how to read my daughters love language and to bond with them. In my years of being a parent, the toughest part is discipline and the new "boys" topic.

I have a slightly different result for discipline and dont think it fits everyone. I tried the spanking system, yelling, silent treatment etc... The one i have found to fit my family best is exercise. Been doing this for the past 5 yrs or so (depending on age obviously). Push ups, sit like a chair on the wall, pull ups, jump rope (things soccer related since thats the activity of their choice). What is so special about this is, after the consequence is done, our relationship was never damaged (compared to yelling). I can report that very very little discipline goes on in my home. Discussion seems to be the norm here lol.

As you can see, in my home we are after the heart. Telling a pre/teen "No" does very little.

Soooo.... I am their man till I get the masters/doctorate degree!! :)

... 24yrs old to answer the original question Lol

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2013
Charlotte NC
I have a friend who has a 17yr old daughter, and when a boy shows up to take her out he has them sign a contract, actually it's a wooden louisville slugger. You should see their faces when he tells them "No, I'm serious...." He says the is more intimidating than the gun he used to come out with.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Sep 27, 2007
wow, exercise huh? never thought of that

good post E
Yeah man. I dont have to get upset because of their poor decision. My older prefers push ups, pull ups or planks. Younger wants pull ups, sit ups or the wall. By me letting them give me options, its takes away the sense of "my way or the highway". Do they always do it on the spot, no. But it gets done in the end. The way i know its working is when they witness or hear stories of friends being disciplined and they say they prefer to do push ups (Lol) or I can continue a conversation after the push ups. I asked them it makes them feel and my oldest said...
It doesnt make her hate me for that period of time.
She is working out and after the x-amount of push ups, her arms hate whatever poop'r decision she made.

For me thats key because again, her heart is protected and our point of correction was addressed.

Its tough as hell though, Im so used to solving my problems with my hands or my words. Its hard to break what worked so easy, we do these things to say "I did my best".

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