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Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 5, 2018
I grew up on Newfoundland and when I was a kid I don’t remember my parents ever buying a fishing license and we fished all the time.

My favour fish were Unidentified at the time, mainly bc I didn’t know any better and my parents never taught me…but I’m pretty sure I ate a lot of young salmon as the “trout” I preferred were always pink inside.

I don’t remember fearing bears and the only other large wildlife we looked out for were moose, as they are fairly dangerous. I know my hometown was populated with lynx as I’ve seen them dead before when galavanting in the woods….actually that’s pretty much where I grew up, in the woods….my parents also never worried about me or told me to be aware of large wildlife ??


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jun 4, 2020
I live in New Brunswick and fishing here is heavily regulated. You need a special license to fish for salmon and with that license there is a max of 5 fish caught and released a day your not allowed to keep them. This is thanks to over fishing in the early 1900s. Since New Brunswick is so sparsely populated it would not be hard to fish without a license in noticed I don’t know if anyone who has but theoretically it would be fairly easy. Pretty much every little creek has brook trout that most people tend to over look.


MFK Member
Nov 11, 2021
This baby came in the post today. I'm on holiday for two weeks at the end of June/ beginning of July so I'm hoping to get out and catch something. This rod licence covers the rods and keeps the environment agency sweet. All I need now are the day ticket permits for which ever venues I go to, and then I'm all legal.

Hopefully I'll post a few pics of what I catch!

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Congrats but man talk about gov't over reach. They even regulate how many rods you can have on you??? That would never fly here.
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MFK Member
Nov 11, 2021
I personally have the upmost respect for anybody who fish or hunt in bear,wolf,or cougar territory. I watch documentary of people that live in the Alaskan bush and have scary dreams of Grizzly Bears at my door lol.
Used to go fish in some pretty remote places. Was fly fishing a remote river one year when I felt like someone was watching me. Turned around and was face to face with a bull moose. Stayed still and he just looked me over and left. My biggest concern was that I might have to shoot him. Would hate to have to kill a majestic animal like that. Moose are really cool and make horses look small. Luckily for me it was not mating season. Biggest problem I have where I live now our big gators and dumb people who feed them. When they lose their fear of man they get dangerous. When I am out and about in the outdoors I always carry a gun.
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Turned around and was face to face with a bull moose.
I definitely would have to change underwear after that encounter. When I was stationed at Ft. Stewart in Georgia there was a juvenile Gator on post and one of the units treated it as a mascot. The gator got left over chow mostly meat until it hit the 4 foot mark and they relocated the gator. I agree shouldn't feed them in the wild.
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