Building proces of my 21 feet long concrete aquarium

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Looks like your getting it professionally built & they know what they are doing.

Interested in your lighting and how you will monitor and control over lighting.

What laminate are you using to bond the glass layers? Make sure they waterproof the edges to prevent delamination.

Will you build up substrate so fish can't hide under the blind spot along the bottom of panel?

Hope those terrible floods aren't affecting you too much.
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It will be saltwater.

I coordinate the build myself.
But doing the waterinsulation, I'm glad a professional team doing public aquariums will do the job.
I don't know the details how to seal the glass properly. And glass weight 1976kg (~4000 pounds).

Because of the heavy rain, they couldn't finish waterinsulation (epoxy) and finishing the glass panel.
To be continued when roof of the house is ready.

I have my ideas about livestock. I first decided the animal I want, then did research at public aquariums and then decides the dimensions of the aquarium.
This aquarium is designed for (juvenile) Bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo)
One half of the public aquarium who responded, keep their bonnetheads in a smaller aquarium then I plan to do.
One was even able to have breeding succes in a smaller aquarium.

It will not be an aquarium with 100 + fishes.
Idea is to have a few bigger fishes and 1 group of schooling fishes.
Facadework of the house is finished for 80% now.
Windows for the house are measured and waiting for delivery.
Intill the roof of the house is not finished (we plan to do this within coming 3 months) and windows are not in place, we can not go further with the aquarium doing the epoxywork.