!!!CATURDAY!!! 3/7 (Extreme Load Warning)

Camshaft Ramrod

Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 10, 2008
Orlando, FL
That's right, it's Caturday.

I've been getting a few requests to bring it back, so here it is. In all it's glory. This one is a bit little longer than the others. I'm just making up for the last couple Caturdays I missed.

And you'll have to bear with me through this one. I'm not myself right now.....

Let's start it off with a tattoo'd cat....


MORE PICS <-----------

Still dazed after being anaesthetised for three hours, a pedigree pet is hauled upright to show off its new tattoo.
The controversial &#8220;body enhancement&#8221; was carried out on Mickey &#8211; a rare Canadian Hairless breed also known as a Sphynx cat.
His female owner was said to be delighted with the Tutankhamun design inked on to his chest at a tattoo parlour.
She said: &#8220;I wanted something new and different for the times we live in.&#8221;
But horrified animal rights campaigners last night slammed the sick fad in Moscow as barbaric &#8211; and fear it could catch on among wealthy pet owners in the West.
An RSPCA spokesman said: &#8220;We are totally against using animals for purely cosmetic reasons just on the owner&#8217;s whim. Clearly the animal has no say in the matter.
&#8220;We do not believe in using pets as fashion accessories. It shows no respect for the animal whatsoever. So far we have only heard about this practice happening overseas &#8211; and we hope it doesn&#8217;t spread.&#8221;


Pimp Yo Cat Flap



It's billed as the latest 'must have' pet accessory that will brighten up any back door. The only problem is, the Swarovski crystal-encrusted cat flap will set you back £1,000.
Its designers say the custom-made entrances will make all pets feel like 'kings of the castle' and claim a 'minor celebrity' has already placed the first order.
The Hertfordshire-based firm sells a number of standard designs, which include those in the style of a stable door and a Roman arch.
However, the design currently generating the most interest is, apparently, the one encrusted with more than 1,000 Swarovski crystals.
The Hertfordshire-based firm sells a number of standard designs, which include those in the style of a stable door and a Roman arch.
However, the design currently generating the most interest is the one encrusted with more than 1,000 Swarovski crystals.

'I can see the crystals being the perfect gift from Posh and Becks to Elton John. I'm sure he'd love it,' says Sarah Gildersleeve, co owner of manufacturer Doors4Paws.
'We've already received a barrage of calls and people are requesting all sorts of individual designs - from getting their cat's name painted on the top to the crystals, ' she added.

'At the end of the day, they're a bit of fun. There's so much doom and gloom these days. We want to put a smile on people's faces.'
'We've a large team of seven cat testers, and one sausage dog, called Norman. They're going down well.&#8217;


Cat owner's purrfect way to mellow out his pet...
stuff it in a giant home-made drug pipe and blow marijuana smoke over it


By Mail Foreign Service




A cat owner who stuffed his pet into a home-made drug pipe and blew marijuana smoke over it to 'mellow it out' is facing criminal charges.
Acea Schomaker, 20, was arrested after police caught him smoking the drug from a contraption that had a cat stuffed inside its 12-inch by 6-inch base.

He told sheriff's deputies the 6-month-old female - named Shadow - had been 'hyper' and that he was trying to calm her down.
The cat was taken to an animal clinic in the U.S. city of Omaha, where she is said to be in good condition.
Deputies discovered the cat trapped in the device after responding to a domestic disturbance call at a residence the suspect shares with his grandfather, Sergeant Andy Stebbing said.
Deputies resolved the dispute and left the house, but they returned minutes later after discovering there was an arrest warrant on the suspect for possession of drug paraphernalia.
Upon re-entering the house, Stebbing said, deputies saw the suspect smoking marijuana through a piece of garden hose attached to the duct-taped, plastic glass box, in which the cat had been stuffed.
'This cat was just dazed,' Stebbing said. 'She was on the front seat of the cop car, wrapped in a blanket, and never moved all the way to the humane society.'
The suspect was cited for misdemeanor animal cruelty and taken to the Lancaster County Jail on the arrest warrant. He was released after paying a $400 fine.
Now he faces new charges for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia stemming from Sunday.
Stebbing said the animal cruelty charge could be raised to a felony if the cat dies or is found to have suffered injury.
Downey said tests would be done to determine whether the cat suffered lung damage.
'To the eye, the cat looks OK,' he said. 'It cowers in the back of its cage like it's a little bit afraid but, obviously, given the way it's been treated, that's not surprising to me at all.'
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I know I posted on a previous Caturday, "The ugliest cat in the world". (Let me know if you want me to repost that vid to refresh your memory) But this one comes up a close second.... I feel bad for this cat. lol

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honestly though.....I would have no problem paying up to a grand for this cat....:grinno:


2lac9kk.jpg Epic bus


4drgd.jpg WHAT?!?!

4f4504-38.jpg Thank god that leaf is there.....

008.jpg How many licks does it take to get to the center of cat?

009.jpgYing & Yang

9fb077-41.jpg AAHHHHH!!!!

11n.jpgGive daddy some sugar

12_spassfabrik_10.jpg I bet you all this cat is thinking about right now is what part of the bedroom to pee on when she leaves for work...

ok....2am..time for bed....just make your own captions for the rest of the pics. I;m done....








25  nhcfg.jpg



37 Nice Catch.jpg

46 Friends Until I Eat You.jpg

47 Excellent Perch.jpg














48 Shaved Pussy.jpg WTF dude.....what did you do to me?

49 Outnumbered.jpg yeah dude...your F'd

58 Cat Shower.jpg Cotten mouth cat need refreshing.

63 Drunk Cat.jpg SWEET RELEASE!!

51 Kitten for Lunch.jpg NOM NOM NOM


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Mar 7, 2005
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Nice return!

Camshaft Ramrod

Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
May 10, 2008
Orlando, FL
awwww wtf, 2 of the gifs at the top of my post are f'd up. Bummer....:irked:


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Sep 7, 2007
Duluth, GA