Chain Catsharks


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Nov 10, 2010
LI, New York
Hi All,

I am currently looking to set-up a tank for a chain catshark. I have a standard 180 gal aquarium and I have kept brown banded bamboo sharks and coral catsharks with great success. However, when I moved I donated the sharks and emptied the tank. It's sat empty for about 6 months in my basement and I've been waiting for the chance to restock. I miss keeping sharks, but I know that my set-up was on the small side. So when I heard these were attainable by my local fishstore I thought I might give them a try. I have read the basic profiles and done some research online, but I am hoping some people may be able to share some specific experiences. I also left a list of questions below.

1. Hardiness and Durability:
As I have said before, I have kept a few different shark species with great success. I typically look for adults rather than juveniles because they are quicker to get eating. In my experience a shark that eats is a healthy shark.

2. Temperature Control:
I've typically never had to worry about controlling temperature. Since I kept bamboos they did well at the temperatures my previous basement stayed between 78-82. Never had to use heaters. Obviously, this will be a different experience, as it is my understanding that these sharks need colder temperatures 60F. My current basement runs fairly warm since it is small and the boiler is right there. I will definitely need to run a chiller. Since chillers are uncharted territory for me, I was hoping someone could tell me their experience (Can anyone recommend a good one. I plan for my system to be around 250 gal with the sump). I have done some research and it seems that they give off a lot of heat. How do people typically manage with the heat? Imagine it would have to be outside my stand since it is would need proper circulation.

3. Filtration:
My Tank is pre-drilled so running a sump would be the easiest. Previously, I have always used store bought products, so I ran a Eshopps 300 wetdry with an eshopps 300 protein skimmer filled with bio balls and packed with bio rings underneath the egg crate suspending the bio balls. I also ran an FX5 for mechanical and some added bio. I did weekly waterchanges of about 50 gallons and never saw any ammonia or nitrite.

Eventhough I still have these at my disposal, I would like to go custom. I found the store bought stand to be cramped and it made maintenance a pain. I have built stands for smaller tanks and I find them to be stronger and a lot cheaper. I am thinking of going with a custom 6' L x 2' W X 3' H. I like the extra height because it will give me some extra room to work underneath the stand. So now is where I have a few questions:

Soft plumbing vs. Hard Plumbing: I have only ever used soft, it's easy to manage but I feel like it lacks the finish of hard plumbing.

Protein Skimmers: I can honestly say I hate the Eshopps protein skimmers, does anyone have any quality recommendations for this size system?

Sump and Stand: Should I insulate the stand to keep the cold in?

Submersible vs. External pumps: I have plenty of leftover submersible pumps. They are deep blues, I find them to be power efficient and very reliable. However, I do find they give off quite a bit of heat. I am not scared of drilling the sump to go external, but I have always been skeptical about maintenance and keeping them dry. Thoughts?

4. Feeding:
I typically feed a varied diet of scallops, squid (the best in my opinion) and shrimp. I was curious about live feedings. So I am truly blessed with the location of my new home as my backyard is a canal to the Atlantic Ocean. Can I use natures killies, grass shrimp and mollusks for a food source. I have a few extra small tanks, so I would quarantine them before feeding. I have no problem using store bought fish food, but I'e eaten the fish out of the ocean so I was curious how much harm could it cause the sharks.

5. Price:
My LFS tends to be pretty good with pricing, but I wanted to check to see if this is on par with market. Does $500 seem reasonable?

6. Tankmates:
I see alot of people housing them with catalina gobies, but I know my selection in tank mates will be limited due to take temperature. Any recommendations?

I appreciate any advise you can provide. I am sorry if I came off as a little green, but I assure you I have 12 years in the hobby and 4 years with sharks. I am just looking to take a different approach to this tank. I have 2 weeks off in May so I would start the set-up process then if I think these sharks would be doable.
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Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2006
Datnoid Island
Good luck with them.When I was keeping sharks I was after one but they were never available.
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The Necromancer
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2016
As far as chillers you can make one with a mini fridge on high and run tubes of water thru it (having containers of ice can keep inside of fridge cooler).

As far as feeding live foods many small critters are good, and if the sharks don't eat them they can be dithers.

As far as tankmates go how about: garibaldi, lumpsucker,eelpout,American eel,
Some of the rockfish,etc
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Apr 6, 2008
Let me know how this goes, I'm considering some myself. My debate is once I finished my fish room (in the basement), should I heat it only when I'm in there and have cold water tanks, or heat the room constantly and have tropical. Both have their merits. Good luck and if your local fish store has them, let me know if they ship.
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Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Nov 10, 2010
LI, New York
Thanks for the support and the recommendations. I've seen Joey's DIY Chiller, my concern would be could it drop the temperature enough, but I guess for the price of a used mini fridge it would be worth a try.

As far as tankmates that for the suggestions. Believe it or not the american eel is native to my backyard (already caught two in my bait trap). Will definitely have to add one.

Any recommendations on external pumps, they seem to be pretty pricey. I just have a feeling may need them to combat the heat. Once I get the tank set-up I will likely try to use my submersibles and see the temperature change.

I will reach out to my contact at the store. I am sue they will ship, it seems their supplier is Reefgen in Riverhead, Long Island. I don't think the company has a website yet, but it seems like they are a conservation organization.
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