Channa bleheri, Chaca Chaca and Antennarius biocellatus fit together?


Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Jan 17, 2022
I thinking of getting a 200l (45 gallon) and look at this fish (Channa bleheri, Chaca Chaca and Antennarius biocellatus) if they would not tear each other up.
I would have
Channa bleheri 2
Chaca Chaca 1
Antennarius biocellatus 1
Any Ideas abut it if it would work i could also have less fish in there.
Have a nice day


MFK Member
May 25, 2016
no to small for any channa in my opinion. Maybe 1 bleheri but then u can put nothing with it.

BUT BUT BUT 45 gallon is not 200 liter. if its 200 liter i might recommend 1 channa. If its 170 liter(45 gallon) I would not put a channa or chaca in it. Thats a prison cell.

Either way most channa species need a cold period (17C) and a warm one (24 C) that means that most fish arent compatible with channa species.

1 chaca chaca is possible but you can not fit anything with it since it becomes around 19cm and will eat everything.
But they are really hard to find (aldo a 20cm fish might not be a good idea in 80cm tank even if it sleeps the whole day.)

Antennarius biocellatus is full sea water and only brackish at a young age. Its best not kept in fresh or brackish.

So in short, its one of those 2 fish in that tank and nothing else with it. Or you could go:
2 smaller cichlids and some killi species.
maybe a convict tank
Or maybe a hillstream tank.

this is my bleheri he is in a tank with a paradise fish. Right now in wintersleep and quite boring but when spring comes and i rise the temperature he will be really active and fun.

Screenshot 2022-01-10 at 13.21.15.png
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MFK Member
Nov 9, 2019
I thinking of getting a 200l (45 gallon) and look at this fish (Channa bleheri, Chaca Chaca and Antennarius biocellatus) if they would not tear each other up.
I would have
Channa bleheri 2
Chaca Chaca 1
Antennarius biocellatus 1
Any Ideas abut it if it would work i could also have less fish in there.
Have a nice day
Only your chaca chaca will survive in that squad...Antennarius is not for freshwater in long term-he will die...And your channna bleheri will be killed by his good neighbours...


Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Jan 17, 2022
ok thank a lot on the website they said Antennarius will survive in freshwater
and they also but Channa bleher in 80 cm so
if its 200 liter i might recommend 1 channa. If its 170 liter(45 gallon) I would not put a channa or chaca in it. Thats a prison cell.
its gone be a 200 l


Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Jan 17, 2022
no to small for any channa in my opinion. Maybe 1 bleheri but then u can put nothing with it.

BUT BUT BUT 45 gallon is not 200 liter. if its 200 liter i might recommend 1 channa. If its 170 liter(45 gallon) I would not put a channa or chaca in it. Thats a prison cell.

Either way most channa species need a cold period (17C) and a warm one (24 C) that means that most fish arent compatible with channa species.

1 chaca chaca is possible but you can not fit anything with it since it becomes around 19cm and will eat everything.
But they are really hard to find (aldo a 20cm fish might not be a good idea in 80cm tank even if it sleeps the whole day.)

Antennarius biocellatus is full sea water and only brackish at a young age. Its best not kept in fresh or brackish.

So in short, its one of those 2 fish in that tank and nothing else with it. Or you could go:
2 smaller cichlids and some killi species.
maybe a convict tank
Or maybe a hillstream tank.

this is my bleheri he is in a tank with a paradise fish. Right now in wintersleep and quite boring but when spring comes and i rise the temperature he will be really active and fun.

View attachment 1485099
she/he is beautiful
any idea on other fish to but in there. I have had now my planted tank for 2 years and I want something carnivore/oddball
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MFK Member
May 25, 2016
she/he is beautiful
any idea on other fish to but in there. I have had now my planted tank for 2 years and I want something carnivore/oddball
go acidic water with leaffish.
they must feed on a lot of livefood do. So im not sure if its possible to get twice a week atleast?

Otherwise i love convicts. they may seem dull but they are so so so agressive. They will beat ur 30cm oscar to the corner if they are breeding.
really fun to see and to interact with.

Some smaller freshwater puffers are really cool. But they are expensive (might be 120euros for one), most species sold as freshwater in shops are brackish and will not survive. Also they need snails so you would need to set up another tank to breed snails.

Some gobius species are also quite agressive and fun to interact with.

You could also keep a big crayfish with some smaller danio's or something.Kinda oddball.

Hillstream tanks are also great but you will need to build something for the constant high flow in the tank.


MFK Member
May 25, 2016
My channa bleheri got along well with ctenopoma acutirostre and mogurnda mogurnda,but it was few years ago...
yeah but thats still a bad combination. Your snakehead will die early because its in constant temperature. its not good for him.
The reason i dont keep my snakehead and ctenopoma in the same tank