Clown loaches in a 4ftx10ft


MFK Member
Mar 6, 2021
These are my currently 9 clown loaches (might add up to 3 more). They used to be in a 120 and finally moved so i can put them in their new 550. I can't see how anyone could keep them in a smaller aquarium than a 550 they are so much happier in this space. The oldest ones I've had for 4 years and are around 4 to 6 inches depending how you measure (only have 2 of those as the other 4 died when some disease carrying cherry barbs poisoned their water - oddly this disease did not impact them at all and they lived happily on while killing everyone else and are still alive today.
I keep the clown wtih 6 zerbra (4 died during the disease route) and 4 or 5 yoyo (i forget); these were not impacted by the disease but a few jumped out over the years - new tank is sealed much better.
All the loaches wiill glass surf together at time but the zebra who are smaller tend to drop out quicker - now and then the smaller clown loach will go and 'invite' them back but they usually are too tired to rejoin till the next day
People say not to keep loaches species together but these three species seem to get along ok - the yoyo are most rambunctious but the larger clowns aren't bothered by that - the zebra and yoyo are adults now - and this chemistry might change as the clown age (not sure) as the clowns will be kids for many more years.
Here is a picture i took today though a video might work better:

Stephen St.Clair

MFK Member
Jul 2, 2017
I keep YoYo's, Modestas and a sole Berdmorei Tiger Loach together with no problems.
Be sure to post pics of the new XL tank.


MFK Member
Mar 6, 2021
I have always kept different similar sized loaches together. It seems to work, so long as you have at least a few of each.
I do think it depends on the species as i know a few of the loaches are quite territorial and aggressive; for the clowns the worse i've seen is one of the large ones killed one of my bns when it tried to nest in its cave - but oddly more recently it has left the L204s alone - maybe the bn (it was a male) actually tried to claim the cave by force (which would have been a big mistake with a clown loach more than twice the mass). However i've seen clown loaches and zebra loaches and even a yoyo all crame into a tiny cave on top of each other without issue (my larger male clown loach prefer his own cave solo - but his tail will frequently stick out and a bunch of the smallers one will flop up and down on top of it until he comes out - the only that will actually bully him is the larger female. She will actually nip at him until he comes out then swim off - go figures.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 24, 2008
Wirral, UK
Yes they do love the space, my 7 are soon to be in a 9' x 3' with their 5 blue botia mates that they get along fine with

Fishman Dave

MFK Member
Nov 14, 2015
West Yorkshire
Typical loach behaviour! You go to accentuate how much happier they are in a bigger space, get out the camera and they all scatter!
Good looking tank though.
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