Convict Fry


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 18, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
xTHExHOUZx said:
I'm gonna try breeding some cons, after hearing they're some of the easiest to breed next to guppies. How big is your tank and is it just convicts? I was thinkin' of picking up a 20 gal long tank and sticking some plexiglass in a "v" shape about 3/4 down one end to try and save the fry. Oh wait, cons don't eat their fry, do they?
To breed Convicts.... well all you need is water. Drop a pair in there and they will lay their eggs in no time. Just drop a pair of Convicts in basically any tank and they will breed! 20 gallon long should be just perfect for them, the eggs will hatch within a few days and the parents will take great care of them without eating much of their own (it happens time to time that they eat a fry or two and a first few times they breed they tend to eat some of them). My original pair of Convicts were in a 55 gallon with a juvenile Red Devil and a Green Terror who both were larger then them at the time. The Convicts ended up killing the Green Terror!