Datnoid stability mystery


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jan 2, 2018
I just read all the feeds on Datnoid Stability again, The results are the same, New ideas bigger words but Dats are still dark in color off and on. I started in the 70’s, Back then they were Siamese Tigers, never new anything about stable or unstable (I’m 67) My 2 Tigers were always Gold/Black Stripes (4). They got 13 inches in a 240 plexiglass tank with Oscars, Dempsys, Shovel Nose cat and Arrowana eating nothing but feeders.. Started them on minnows.. I now have 7 Datnoids, bought all at same time and place.. all 1.5 inches.. in a 135g (glass lol ).. 3 are 4in.. 2 are 3in and 2 are 2.5 in. They were all same size and color. One of the bigger ones is always bullied by the dominant big one, but the one being bullied is always bright and full color. Same with a small one who is bullied by the other small one. I’ve tried everything just like one other thread said. Mine are most happy with no light they swin and act like “normal” fish, happy.. just no color.. except those 2. I’m gonna accept them like that and see what happens as they get older. I look on YouTube and see tanks with no decorations or hiding places or substrate and bright lights and many Dats all lit up and happy, I do notice feeders in some tanks, I know about the problems with feeders so it’s not worth experimenting with them to see if it makes a difference. Mine are on Hikari frozen worms, silversides and krill..the big ones eat pellets but I dot like the way my water smells afterwards..water changes weekly 30%.. I think it’s great how you all keep the search for stability alive. I think as they get full grown they are less fearful and are adapted to the things scared them while young and there’s no reason to be unstable. So just enjoy them guys they are great fish that don’t like bright light and who you have to train to be what you want them yo be. They have certain characteristics that they live by.