Diy mechanical filter for 50g sump?


MFK Member
Apr 1, 2023
I just set up a 120 gallon with a 50 gallon sump. Right now I'm mostly leak testing everything. No substrate or fish yet.

I'm using a big Jebao DCP-1300 (3675gph) return pump however I'm clearly not going to run this full blast, probably about 50% speed.

The tank will be stocked with medium sized catfish and cichlids and VERY well fed.

I'm looking for ways to diy the mechanical filter. Given the high potential flow rate of this pump, I'm curious about options of filtering the water as it comes from the pump. Either plumbed directly to the outflow, or a filter on the intake. I'm kinda picturing the big air filter on my old Vortec 5.7l truck engine.

On second thought, I fear this will really cause a backwash of crap every time I turn on the feeding mode.

How about filtration that stays in the sump? Just big diy internal filter?

I'm not crazy about filter socks, but maybe need to revisit them. My previous tank made filter socks a nightmare because of how hard it was to wrestle them out of the cramped space. The new setup has a good bit more room.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 6, 2024
I'm thinking about some similar stuff right now. Working on a filter that is big on bio but has no mechanical. I don't think I'll need a ton, and may not even really need any long term, but I want to have options to add some mechanical either temporarily or more permanently if needed.

I want it to be super easy to access for cleaning, so I was almost thinking of something in-tank that just fits on the intake. Might try just a piece of big PVC with that adapts down to my intake stuffed full of foam or floss. Then I can just reach in and pop if off and swap/squeeze the media without opening up plumbing. But I am on canister. You have more options with a sump.