dont think ill be here much longer.......

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MFK Member
Jun 15, 2006
no where
im going to see if i can move in with one of my best frinds sometime next month. he wont allow me to have my tank up which will suck big tme! ( i may talk him into it tho )

Lepisosteus platyrhincus

MFK Member
Nov 9, 2008
In the caiman den
livebearerfreak;4370348; said:
no i dont know how diabetic works. i just know hes now dieing from it and it acts up on him everyday. he gets really weak at times, last week he was working hard and stoped and sat down for awhle so i went and got grandmother and she got him up and he couldnt even walk straight.
ok let me explain it to u.

U cant do a thing to hurt his diabeties except not let him eat. ur not doin a thing to him. I severly doubt he is "dieing" from it.

If he eats and moniters his blood sugar than he should be fine. issues arrise when people do not monitor their blood sugar, dont go to the doc and dont follow a diet. its a very manageable diese that u are NOT causing it to act up


MFK Member
Jun 15, 2006
no where
gaaah thats it!! why does my family always have to talk to my friends!! told my grandmother i might be going to down to my friends tonight and she said hes sleeping ( which he isnt cause hes goin out to the bar im texting him right now ) so she said shs gunna ask chris ( my friend ) if im suppose to go down there tonight.. i told her * grah why do you have to always talk or nose into my business or always talking to my friends?!?!? ) she said cause im tired of you lieing ( which im not, just an exscuess to go talk to chris to see what i told him ) she always noses into my friends and my buseness! and sometimes chris tells my family what i do which irritates the heck out of me!

/rant over\


MFK Member
Jun 15, 2006
no where
well thats a relief!

Lepisosteus platyrhincus;4370375; said:
ok let me explain it to u.

U cant do a thing to hurt his diabeties except not let him eat. ur not doin a thing to him. I severly doubt he is "dieing" from it.

If he eats and moniters his blood sugar than he should be fine. issues arrise when people do not monitor their blood sugar, dont go to the doc and dont follow a diet. its a very manageable diese that u are NOT causing it to act up


MFK Member
Jun 15, 2006
no where
heck im not even allowed to eat at night time when i even have my own food!

sry to rant on guys but i just need to let some heat off! think ill go relax and have a ciggeratte! gunna be quitting that habbit to sometime

Lepisosteus platyrhincus

MFK Member
Nov 9, 2008
In the caiman den
though u already quit


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Your grandpop's pancreas is not producing enough insulin. Insulin is used by the body to assist in breaking down carbohydrates and sugars into a form (glucose) that allows the body to use them as energy. Insulin takes the glucose from the blood and sends it to the cells throughout the body for energy. If there is no insulin in the body, the glucose builds up in the blood and creates high levels of sugar in the blood., which has major side effects. That's diabetis mellitus. You're grandfather should be OK, if he eats properly and watches his weight.

Lepisosteus platyrhincus

MFK Member
Nov 9, 2008
In the caiman den
phillydog1958;4370404; said:
Your grandpop's pancreas is not producing enough insulin. Insulin is used by the body to assist in breaking down carbohydrates and sugars into a form (glucose) that allows the body to use them as energy. Insulin takes the glucose from the blood and sends it to the cells throughout the body for energy. If there is no insulin in the body, the glucose builds up in the blood and creates high levels of sugar in the blood., which has major side effects. That's diabetis mellitus. You're grandfather should be OK, if he eats properly and watches his weight.
thank you! lol. i didnt feel like typing out some long responce so i kept it simple.

Fat Homer

Mmmmm... Doughnuts
Staff member
MFK Member
Mar 16, 2009
livebearerfreak;4370337; said:
Originally Posted by haynchinook334
Can you afford it?
well rent is 400 plus lights
Will this lead you running back to your grandparents?
not anymore
Can you make it on your own?
i lived on my own for a few months and did pretty good
Will you have support if you need it?
not from my grandmother or grandfather, no. friends yes
Ask your self questions about decisions. Pros and cons you chooses. It's really not that hard man.

answer under the Qs
Okay, i just want to first be clear that i really have no idea what your family background is like, and how your relationship with your family is so i'm just going on what i'm vaguely know...

In all honesty, living by yourself for a few months is very different from living by yourself long term... for example lets say some thing in the flat goes wrong are you going to have the money to fix it???

Now lets say you don't are you sure your friends will be able to help you... now lets say worst case scenario, you end up needing more money for whatever reason, will you have still be able to get help from your friends to bail you out...

Like don't get me wrong, i can completely understand your yearning for freedom right now , but at the same time you have to think is it something you can honestly keep up with long term...

Coz i've even had to stop hanging out with 1 or 2 friends in the past coz they were constantly borrowing money from a whole host of people with no signs of being able to return it, and i'm not talking pocket change, but needing 3+ months rent money coz they spent it accidentally... and honestly, i can tell you almost every one has a limit before they say enough is enough and stop helping out...

But with that all being said and done, if you are 150% sure you can deal with anything thats thrown at you in the near future as well as in the long run, i'd say go ahead and move out, otherwise, i would possibly tell you to suck it up and just deal with it till the time comes you are actually ready to move out on your own...
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