Filamentosum difference?


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 23, 2017
After recent case of my b.fila, I'd say he and his new homie doing much better with my better water care. Eats like rtcs, have to seperate their meals every 2 days. Fast growth, 1-1.5" a month. All and all, my favourite fish.

But a few months back, I've read thebiggerthebetter thebiggerthebetter and vincentwugwg vincentwugwg have discussion about the difference between the Fila from suriname and the one from peru. As I observed, there's definitely difference between them in terms of head shape and color. Growth?

I got my Filas a month apart, different vendors and different shipment. Can these guys be different in terms where they are caught?

First Photo: The smaller one (right) at 9", have darker color, slender head and narrower mouth. The bigger one (left) at 10", has thicker head, broad mouth and lighter color.



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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Oct 13, 2014
Wes might be the most knowledgeable on this. Wouldn't say anything is for certain as there isn't many comparisons for us to form any norms yet. Atleast in the hobby.
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Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
Agree with Moe.

My problem is I have not seen a side by side comparison, live or by photos, of the filas from Suriname and from Peru, where the fish would be same size, age, and condition.

vincentwugwg vincentwugwg appears to be the only member here who could elucidate this comparison, and I have been asking him to and waiting, maybe some day he will. I'm no his enviable gf, so I have no claim on his time or on what he does. My two Peru filas are still around 15"-16" while my Suriname fila is 30"+. Vincent's are much closer in size and he has two of both kinds.

As for the fish pictured in the OP, I fail to see any significant difference with my untrained and ignorant eye. They look to be the same fish with negligible variations in proportions, if there are any.

I am lucky to have figured out and be able to see a difference between capa and fila. Different filas? IDK. I'd say forget it. Wes says there even could be hybrids. I forget, natural or man made. Wes? fugupuff fugupuff

Good question though. Questions like these lead to self education.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Apr 23, 2017
Well, from my observation as I digging about this information and also Wes' filamentosums, there are three types. The Suriname, Peru and the Brazil. Note, I maybe wrong but this is just my observation and opinion on this species. B. Filamentosum are my favorite fish, that's why I intent to learn further about this fish.

The Peru's Fila, I would assume thebiggerthebetter thebiggerthebetter you have it, have full spots runs along its body even its reached more than a foot long. Hopefully this video shows the right Peru's one. Seems to have thicker body.


While I searched the Suriname have different aesthetic, like in the video (note, this is Wes' video). You just know that they are much different than the Peru if compared by the same size. And is it me or am I the only one that sees adult Suriname Fila capture have bent snout, bent upwards and much slender heads.



This Fila was caught in Suriname.
Whilst another by Wes' video tagged B.Filamentosum Brazil. If you saw the video, this one's resembles my Fila. Have the same spots (runs from its rib to its tail. No spots between the head to its rib) and much narrower front mouth. The adult version are much different than the Suriname, thicker head and streamline snout.


This Fila was caught in Brazil
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Senior Curator
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Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
You probably have a sharper eye for these than I. The difference in spotting is easy to see but as for those other differences, again, think we need much better pictures and correct comparisons. I don't see these differences anyway. Each fish species has some variability in their appearance and these are hard to interpret with fila having so little and so unreliable info. Then there could be gender differences in appearance. To me, this is at this point an utterly intractable mixture.

A fine set of pics and videos though. I must thank you for this.
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M.A.N. Community Vendor
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Mar 14, 2005
Fish Heaven
at 3-5" size, I've had both types and the observation of the spots on the side was good, I never caught that observation. I've had both types but few months or more apart. So I cannot say for sure how different or similar they are.

at 24-30"., the same size when compared side to side. the Peru ones appears more silver. The Suriname ones at that size have a very dark green/blue, also sharper angles on the face and mouth.

Its hard to say for super giant ones over 200 pounds, as when they're hauled out of the water, gravity compresses their overall body and they're often bloodied from the battle, fins torn, etc....but I've seen 400 pounds from Peru, Brazil, and Suriname