Finally, My Fish Room!


The Ninth Holostei
MFK Member
May 11, 2009
New York
Thank you all for the comments.

12 Volt Man - The power is something I am keeping my eye on. If any problems arise I will move a couple of the smaller tanks upstairs, but so far it seems like the breakers can handle it. I fully expect my first electricity bill to be more than painful, but the hobby is worth it.

My smallest tank was added last night next to the 45g. It is a 20g Bumblebee Goby species tank. I have been keeping BBG's for years and my current little family is 16 BBG's. They have been completely acclimated to freshwater over a period of almost three years. In the past two years I have lost only one BBG to a fungal infection.

I will highlight my BBG breeding attempts in another thread. So far I have dealt with several batches of eggs layed, but they are always eaten by the male guarding them. Next time I will be prepared for an egg rescue. :D

- Michael