First Brackish


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2006
Houghton MI
I starteed my first brackish tank a few months ago. I went with a 55 gallon tank with a sand bottom, for filtration I am using a aqua clear 110 and a marineland strealth heater. The sg is currently arround 1.002 to 1.003 and I am planning on slowly increasing it over the next few months. The current tank stock is a 14" Morray Eel and a 3" Archer. I am getting a 5" Columbian shark next month and am also considering another archer for the tank. I have several questions that I cant seem to find answers for, hopefully someone can help me out. I would like to also put some plants into the tank as it recieves alot of sunlight and I am hoping plants would help keep algae under control. Also I would like to find some kind of inverts to use as a clean up grew, are their any that would be able to survive in the brackish enviroment and also are their any that would be able to survive the predators that are in the tank?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 19, 2007
Brackishdude, thanks for that site. I have done a ton of research into the brackish aquaria and still learned more than ever with those articles.

Upaquariest: Java fern and other plants should be perfect.

As for inverts, most of the small shrimp you can use as a cleaning crew *will* also be on the menu for other fish.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jun 26, 2006
Houghton MI
I figured that they would end up as dinner at some point in time, maybe I will just get some ghost shrimp and see how they do before they are eaten, I can get them in 500 cnt boxes and they would last a while before they are all cleaned out


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
upaquariest;1291850; said:
I figured that they would end up as dinner at some point in time, maybe I will just get some ghost shrimp and see how they do before they are eaten, I can get them in 500 cnt boxes and they would last a while before they are all cleaned out
what is the cost break down on 500 count boxes?

where can are they sold like that?
I am paying 10 cents each for them.