Fluval FX6 Tips


Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Jan 18, 2017
I'm going to be running one of these on my 375, along with a huge wet dry filter (30 gallons of bioballs). Just curious about how often you clean it, what medias you incorporate, and any pointers for placement and optimal performance. Thanks!


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 26, 2008
Medina, Ohio
I just used the stock media in my FX5 with the addition of some bio-media since the filter didn't come with any 'extra' media.

Cleaning frequency will vary depending on stock list and feeding habits.

I think your tank has a center overflow, correct? It may be more helpful to post some pics of the tank for suggestions but I kept the intake at the corner of my 125G tank.

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MFK Member
Jul 12, 2017
Fredericksburg va
I've been experimenting with my fx6 for about a month now in my 75. first I loaded it with the recommended setup with coarse and fine foam, carbon and bio media in layers.

Well my tank became a bit foggy a few weeks back so I decided to try something different. loaded each tray with a water polishing pad and as much carbon as I could fit, probably 2 or 3 lbs. total. it cleared up the water but I need to find some better mesh bags or something to load the carbon in because it eventually started shooting carbon into the tank. so i switched it to all bio rings and foam and run carbon through an old hob filter I have for now.

I plan to run the fx6 with that carbon setup and a wet/dry bio media filter on my 240 when its ready to go.


Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Jan 18, 2017
I was considering running the bottom two trays with Seachem Matrix pond media. The top tray would be sponge. My wet dry sump is huge though, so all the Matrix may not be necessary.


MFK Member
Mar 17, 2013
i have an fx5 and a fx6 on my 250 gal tank. in both of them i have seachem matrix on the bottom tray, then the seachem water polishing beads ( i cant for the life of me remember the name for some reason) with some pillow filling on top of it in the second tray and in the top tray i have a sponge that is slightly finer than the side sponges with one of the blue pads under that. i can usually get away with cleaning them every other week. they usually arent really that terribly dirty but i like keeping mine flowing free. the pillow filling really picks up a ton of the finer particles and does fill up pretty good. this stack up has kept my water clear enough that the tank looks empty.


MFK Member
Jan 3, 2015
North Carolina
In the FX6 on my slightly overstocked 75(6 RD's - 10 inch male(DAD), 6 juvies(Dad's babies) at 4-6 inches each):

Top Tray: Pond Matrix
Middle Tray: Substrat Pro
Bottom Tray: Pond Matrix
Stock sponges around circumference.

I also have 2- supplemental 300GPH HOB's just for additional mechanical, plus I have 1 pouch of purigen in each. I have 2 supplemental (koralia knock-offs)powerheads that I cycle on twice a day to push the main fish waste to the FX6 intake.

I also dose rid-x once per week at 1 teaspoon per 75 gal, stirred in jar of water for an hour or two, and strain the bran through a brine shrimp net.

So far so good as currently set up, but I have quite a few unused spare can's I can install if I need to add additional bio(1-FX4, 1-FX5, 1 additional FX6, 2 Sunsun304B's, 1-SunSun302, 1-Cobalt EXT, 2-Magnum 350's, and 1- Eheim 2262(bought for a 300gal project that hasn't materialized).

I'm currently considering adding the sunsun302 and feeding the return to a "modified" Phosban reactor filled with purigen to try to keep nitrates lower(in an attempt to adsorb\absorb nutrients before they can be converted to nitrate by bacteria). Unfortunately, I just haven't had the time to set up and test.