Frog rehydration


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
So I have a grey treefrog. The other night I guess he escaped. I found him yesterday dried up in a sitting position. So, I soaked him in water (dechlorinated tap that has been sitting in a bottle for about a month). Well it's been about 17 hours, no movement but he does look like a normal hydrated frog. I've heard of this taking a full day, so is there still hope for the little guy? he's not stiff or anything, I can move his legs around and all. (Don't worry I'm not playing with the frog, just nudging his legs to see if there's any response to stimuli)


Bronze Tier VIP
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2017
He kinda died
I mean he rehydrated and then died
My guess as to the reason? Which I should've also asked about in the beginning, chlorine poisoning
I picked him up from a friend who said she found him in her garage, and she had him swimming around in a tub of sink water when I got there. I wasn't sure of the effects or what to look for but I thought he'd be fine from that. As for the dehydration that couldn't have been the cause, because he was only dried out for a night. I used tank water from my cleanest tank to rehydrate him.