Geophagus cichlids are dying?


MFK Member
Aug 12, 2019
Just an update as well. The 3rd geo did end up dying. Still never observed any physical signs of sickness on its body. I have noticed now that one or my Acaras has 1 cloudy eye. Also, the angels seem to be hanging out in the top back corners of the tank more.

We did just have family over a couple days ago and the kids get a little wild, running by the tank and what not. So it’s possible they may be spooked from that. My 2 silver dollars are also very skittish, which I have read is normal behavior for silver dollars. Wondering if when the silver dollars have a freak out moment it may spook the other fish as well.

I’m thinking about using furan but I want to make sure I understand how to properly dose it first because it is going to end up being $40+. Is it really essesntail to remove all filter media? Because I don’t have a spare tank to put the bio media in the mean time.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jul 5, 2013
MoCo, Maryland
Just an update as well. The 3rd geo did end up dying. Still never observed any physical signs of sickness on its body. I have noticed now that one or my Acaras has 1 cloudy eye. Also, the angels seem to be hanging out in the top back corners of the tank more.

We did just have family over a couple days ago and the kids get a little wild, running by the tank and what not. So it’s possible they may be spooked from that. My 2 silver dollars are also very skittish, which I have read is normal behavior for silver dollars. Wondering if when the silver dollars have a freak out moment it may spook the other fish as well.

I’m thinking about using furan but I want to make sure I understand how to properly dose it first because it is going to end up being $40+. Is it really essesntail to remove all filter media? Because I don’t have a spare tank to put the bio media in the mean time.
You need to remove carbon because it will filter it out. Also, be prepared for it to impact your biological filtration. When you're done following the dosing instructions, you may still need to do some extra water changes. Furan is a pretty broad spectrum treatment, so it's a good one if all you're going on is a guess. An acquaintance recently tipped me off to oxolinic acid as a treatment for when ALL else fails. I've had reasonably good luck with that, but it's hard to get and expensive.


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Staff member
MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
In the first post you indicate some fish were added within the last two months.... which ones?
Were they quarantined?
If may be they were infected with something that took almost two months to become infective enough to do damage, or become visible, or the stress of moving to a new environment caused infection.
I like to quarantine at least 3 months before adding fish to a main tank .....a friend (who runs the aquatic exhibit at a zoo), will not quarantine fish any less than 6 months.
There are a number of reasons for this anal amount of time in quarantine.
It sometimes takes that amount of time for symptoms to become apparent.
You also QT to keep any latent bacteria in the main tank, from infecting new fish that may not immunity to that bacteria.
Sometime non-acutely pathogenic bacteria in a tank can become problematic for even long time residents, if a new fish is introduced that has no immunity to it.
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MFK Member
Aug 12, 2019
In the first post you indicate some fish were added within the last two months.... which ones?
Were they quarantined?
If may be they were infected with something that took almost two months to become infective enough to do damage, or become visible, or the stress of moving to a new environment caused infection.
I like to quarantine at least 3 months before adding fish to a main tank .....a friend (who runs the aquatic exhibit at a zoo), will not quarantine fish any less than 6 months.
There are a number of reasons for this anal amount of time in quarantine.
It sometimes takes that amount of time for symptoms to become apparent.
You also QT to keep any latent bacteria in the main tank, from infecting new fish that may not immunity to that bacteria.
Sometime non-acutely pathogenic bacteria in a tank can become problematic for even long time residents, if a new fish is introduced that has no immunity to it.
I added all the fish at the same time a couple months ago. That’s what I’m afraid of that one jd then has something.


Feeder Fish
Nov 3, 2022
Hi, did you find out why were these fish dying ? I’ve got similar problem and I have no clue why 🙁


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Hi, did you find out why were these fish dying ? I’ve got similar problem and I have no clue why 🙁
Welcome aboard Greg
Please list your aquarium water parameters such as Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, and PH.
How large is the aquarium and how long was it setup for cycle?
What type of Cichlids were they that died and what are the ones thriving?