Haitiensis growout


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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
I had a power outage a few years back, and my haitiensus tank dropped into the 70s, my 5 year old female hait developed serious ich over night and died.
The beani easily took temps down into the 60s, in fact when my beani spawned, temp of the tank was below 70.
We had a power outage a few years ago that lasted three days. Them temp in my house dropped into the forties, resulting in the lose of all of my festae and several other fish. The only thing that came through unharmed were the beani and dempsies. The high temp requirement of haitiensus is why I have shied away from them. Living in a rural area and having an uncertain power supply means using care in selecting which fish I keep.

As far as aggression goes I found beani to be more so toward their own kind first and everything else after. Do you haitiensus keepers see the same thing?


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Apr 25, 2009
The Grotto
I think Umbees are similar in that they are one of/the only cichlids in their natural habitat.
Umbees are not the only cichlid endemic to their habitat. They are not only cichlid in their habitat. One person to confirm this would be Umbeeking as he has collected and could speak better on the behalf of umbees habitat.

As far as haitiensis go.. I too have done plenty if studies and research on them over the years. What I have found is "Stress" is the cause to their demise. As they thrive in mid 80's I must have the exception as my haits have thrived in an environment where the temps were mid to high 70's they also spawned at that temp. Food or high protein is a myth. The largest factor for success is to minimize stress. Duane's has lots of great info on haits also. Remember there are so many different factors that come into play that you can't really standardize proper care for 100% success. I do believe that we could get into the 90 percentile

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