Has anyone had success breeding African lungfish in a aquaculture farm or in the aquarium

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Feeder Fish
May 13, 2024
I was wondering if anyone had success having any species of protoperus breeding in captivity in a fish farm or a pond or in a fish tank because I’m planning on having my 2 lungfish male and female to breed in a small seasonal marsh in private land which is mostly populated by anabas testudines ( climbing perch )all this as a breeding project to sell other exotic monster fish that haven’t been bred in captivity yet
I've saw some spawning reports from Japan and Korea but I don't think non of them were succeed to hatch them yet.
But I think they can be bred in captivity but just no one tried it seriously before because of their agression and relatively low market price.
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Is i
I've saw some spawning reports from Japan and Korea but I don't think non of them were succeed to hatch them yet.
But I think they can be bred in captivity but just no one tried it seriously before because of their agression and relatively low market price.
Is it possible for you to know and contact that person to ask questions about it
Is i

Is it possible for you to know and contact that person to ask questions about it
I can't very sure they still working on lungfish but here is the website of Mr. Azuma Hiroshi and Mr. Azuma Takashi, who have been research tropical fish breeding for very long time include african lungfish.

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Aus lungs have been bred quite a few times in captivity. Seems to be as easy as putting breeding adults in a big pond. Not sure if it would be similar for the Africans lungs.
Neoceratodus spawn on water grass, such as valisneria in clean, flowing water and leave but Protopterus and Lepidosiren species make a hole in the mud, spawn in their and male do guard their eggs.
So I think the breeding of Protopterus will be more similar with some giant plecos than Neoceratodus. (Just much more aggressive to each others than plecos)

I haven't personally bred African lungfish, but from what I've researched and heard from other hobbyists, it seems like it can be quite challenging due to their aggressive nature and specific breeding requirements. There have been reports from Japan and Korea about spawning attempts, but no confirmed successful hatchings yet.

Thank you