

Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Feb 2, 2005
Washington State
Nice looking Jeep! My cousing has one that looks alot like that but he is a hard core rock crawler so he has it butchered pretty damn good.


Team Rayman
MFK Member
Mar 30, 2005
staten island new york
will you marry me when im 18?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 8, 2005
Cincinnati soon to be lakeland fl
it was a dark and stormy night.... lol jk
no i was on spring break in fort lauderdale 2 summers ago.. i was 15 at the time right before my birthday. And i love.... LOVE to fish. im crazy :screwy: . but my family chartered out aboat planning to fish the gulf stream. fort lauderdale is the closest that the gulf stream runs to the coast, and if you didnt already know, it is a highway for migrating fish. well early spring is when golder hammer heads (aka scalloped hammer heads named ofr the "scalloped effect on theri "hammer") migrate south. un fortunatly we had a bad current that day and our current was running south. we were expecting very little so i took a spot on the top level of the deck and watched our lines. we had 2 on down ridders running deep wiht lures, spoons that is, and one hooked up for kite fishing ( kite fishing is when you atach a special kite to hte line that holds the bait on hte surface of the water, it also keeps the bait even wiht the current.) ON the kite line we took a honking huge bonita (samll tuna youcant really eat thier the mutts of tuna dingos, dogs, rats, when you catch one its a waitse of bait and time they deserve to be cut up!!) and sliced em longways. that was one bloody piece of meat ill tell youwhat! anyways from where i was seated youcould see it all. the beauatiful ocean, the wind lifting my hair aroudn my face and man it was just gourgeous, then........ dun uhn...... dun unh....dun uhn.. dun uhn. . dun uhn.dun uhndun uhndun uhndun uhndun uhn I saw this fin come up out the water, she didnt circle though she planed out of the watter so only her pectoral fins were in the water, her fin was dartig and jerking side to side with the awsoem power and motion of each thrust it was liek she jumped on to that bonita, i could see her eyes and here teeth tear into it, then it was gone she dove deep. FISH ON! first the mate had to reel in the kite and un hook it, we didnt need that anymore!..... he is then like "ok.. whos gonna take it!" pause... "justin? hil?" still long apuse.. "man ill take it for sure then" im say. SO i claimed my role as the reeler -in -er then waht can i say i rock! :woot: an hour and 40 later we finally got a glimps of her, though out the hour 40 my legs were sahking from pulling back, i would be so discouraged as shed pull out more and more feet of line. ahh it was never ending! my arm shook. then we have this 9 1/2 foot 400# hammer flaoting next to the boat... the capt says, ok you either mount her and we shoot her or we let her go.... i look at my dad and hes liek, "this will never hapen agian" and he say "do her in!" I mean this was a massive fish even the crew was freaking out when we caught her. chip the fist mate was flippin out, he said this was the biggest fish for at least a year and at least hte second largest caught on the boat. he was impressed. any ways so there is this briallant golden shimmer in the water, i cant explain how overpowered you felel withtis gourgous creature staring blankly up at you! lol unfortunaly they then put a 12 gauge slug in her.. and her color faded to a misty brown.. i felt horrible, :wall: i killed this amazing creature ahh, but it gets worse then a whole lot better... so then we have to gett the 400# animal inthe baot.. hmmm so we noose her around the hammer and practically loose the fisrt mate to her weight it took 4 of us to pull her up and in the boat. then seeing that it was a female the capt. put his hand on her belley and he liek "shes got pups!" :22_yikes: and rips out a knife and slits her gut open. im thinkg "oh great...im killing the next generation too" the capt. and 1st mate take turns pluinging into her and ripping 18 baby sharks from her belly. 18!! all squruming and flipping around! they all swam away. wow. then it was brought to my attention later by the discover channel (my fav ) that it is not normal for a shark to have 18 babies, and at the end of a sharks life they haeva huge litter, around 15 or so and then die. . . . sweeT!!!!! so i felt bad about killin her but turns out i just kinda speep up nature, like one woud do to a jacuzzi bubble timer when you relaly want the bubbles to turn off sooner. :thumbsup: so any ways we bring her to the dock along ft lauderdale strip.. ive never been in so many random peopel pictures, andi got enough "hell yea!"s to last me a life time, and enough panzy chicks saying. "ew im nevering going in the water" to drive me half crazy. :shakehead but now shes on my wall down from my 230 gallon reef. that was a great day not to mention that we also caught a 70 pound amberjack, and mounted it too after her. lol that was my brothers doing thouhg, i was jsut a littel tierd ;) . THe next days i could not stand up with out feeling liek my legs were ripped apart and coulnt even hold a fork with out liek shaking from the pain! lol it was hard work!! any ways super long story i know. but i cant help it there is jsut so much to that story. enjoy! :woot: