Horsefaces (and Pearl Danio)


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Nice! What size do you expect these to attain?

I recently got 6 Horsefaces; hoping to eventually add them to an unheated basement tank when they put on some size, but they seem to be somewhat slow growers? I've read a wide variety of maximum sizes for these guys, up to something like 7 or 8 inches? I'm hoping mine will be big. :)
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Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
Well...both, I guess...

That is impressive! That guy must be two inches from snout to eye! Yours? I'd love to get mine to that size. :)
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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2021
I am afraid not.

I have heard many times about enormous horsefaces, and seen a few pictures like the one above. But I have never managed to see a big one for real - let alone get one. Possibly, they taste too good.

Don't know how many years, or decades to get that size.

hoping to eventually add them to an unheated basement tank
They come from warm waters.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
They come from warm waters.
That was a concern of mine. Their geographic range implies warm water, but many of the online references state that temps down to about 15 - 16C are within their ideal range, with maximum 25C. I hoped and assumed that this was due to the fast flowing waters they inhabit. Of course, many sources also say 25 -28C is required...but they recommend that range for literally everything, so...

Mine were listed as Acantopsis dialuzona by a retailer/importer who is pretty reliable and conscientious about proper identification; that's the moniker I googled looking for info. Are there other species with perhaps different requirements?

Right now they are being maintained at 18 -19C and are very active and feeding well. I'll keep them in that until they put on some size, and will then slowly lower it and see how they react.

Sadly, between their apparently slow growth and the temperature looks like I'm a year away from actually putting them into the tank I wanted them for! :)

Fishman Dave

MFK Member
Nov 14, 2015
West Yorkshire
There are at least two other species but both are smaller or much smaller. The one you mention is the old synonym of A. Choirorhynchos which as you suggest are “supposed to be” warmer water fish (25-28) but equally only supposed to reach 8”.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2021
There are at least two other species but both are smaller or much smaller. The one you mention is the old synonym of A. Choirorhynchos which as you suggest are “supposed to be” warmer water fish (25-28) but equally only supposed to reach 8”.

Although you may not be able to read this, it does say that three more speices of horseface have been found. That is in addition to the seven already known about. And that is merely in Thailand, and not other surrounding countries.

I am sure many of them can get bigger than eight inches, but are never caught. Maybe they stay in the mud. But hoards of small horsefaces are often caught, and historically have been use for making fish sauce. (What a waste?) It is currently easier and much cheaper to packed horsefaces by the kilo, than to buy live ones individually.

That was a concern of mine. Their geographic range implies warm water, but many of the online references state that temps down to about 15 - 16C are within their ideal range, with maximum 25C. I hoped and assumed that this was due to the fast flowing waters they inhabit. Of course, many sources also say 25 -28C is required...but they recommend that range for literally everything, so...

Mine were listed as Acantopsis dialuzona by a retailer/importer who is pretty reliable and conscientious about proper identification; that's the moniker I googled looking for info. Are there other species with perhaps different requirements?

Right now they are being maintained at 18 -19C and are very active and feeding well. I'll keep them in that until they put on some size, and will then slowly lower it and see how they react.

Sadly, between their apparently slow growth and the temperature looks like I'm a year away from actually putting them into the tank I wanted them for! :)
18 - 19C is too low, IMO, down to 15 - 16C, never.

These are not mountain stream fish, they are lowland. I would say the variation in temperature is more like 25 - 30C.


Sausage Finger Spam Slayer
MFK Member
Mar 29, 2019
Manitoba, Canada
18 - 19C is too low, IMO, down to 15 - 16C, never.

These are not mountain stream fish, they are lowland. I would say the variation in temperature is more like 25 - 30C.
Well, that's it then; you have officially harshed my mellow. :)

As interesting as I find these fish, I got them specifically after reading in multiple trustworthy-seeming sources that they would do well in the cooler waters...but I do put more emphasis on first-hand personal observations and experience. The lower temp range you quoted (15-16C) is pretty much exactly where their hoped-for permanent tank will be for a third of the year.

I guess they will remain put for now and will need to move into my single fully-heated system very soon.

Dang. :(


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Dec 30, 2021

Just coming into the cool season here. Quite comfortable actually.

The Ping river, which is just outside my house, is still quite fast, even though the wet season has pretty much ended.

Took the temperature, 28C.