How do they do it?


Stingray King
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2005
Spokane, WA
A friend of mine got to see the back rooms of all the major display aquariums in Las Vegas.

He said they used giant sand filters, that measured over 15 feet tall, and 8 feet across.. They created a massive whirling jet of fine sand that harbored an incredible amount of nitrifying bacteria.

He said in that part of the area, water is scarce and water changes never, ever, happen. He suggested that he thinks the sand filters at that size may host a 'de-nitrifying bacteria' but he was just throwing out ideas. He also mentioned that they losed thousands of gallons of water each day to evaporation, and just top it off.

He asked the people who were giving him the private tour what the Nitrates were, and how they controlled it. The guy said the nitrates always run between 100-200ppm, Crazy, huh?

He also went into explain how they have massive sulfur reactors, which work like zeolite and actually chemically bind nitrates. I have seen articles on them, and many public aquariums use them. Its a fascinating process, but if a mistake is to occur, harmful toxins could become lethal in the entire system.