I Hear This Question A Lot..


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Apr 26, 2007
New York
I don't understand but i can't and never could get my tsn or my rtc to eat pellets. They would rather not eat so all I have ever fed them is live foow. Fish and nightcrawlers. But I have owned them both since february and they are both exceding a foot long and they were only 1 and 1/2 inches long when I bought them. Amazing growth in that amount of time and my new baby rtc I just picked up is a little more than an inch long now and he won't eat anything but rosy reds.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 27, 2005
"I got rid of both of my rtcs because the one killed my NGT and the other got too big. So please everyone know what you are getting into when you get a south american rtc! They get massive"

TSN's get massive as well.

Planetcatfish lists the tiger shovelnose at a max of 41" and the RTC at 43"

I would not keep either long term in anything less than a 8' x 4' tank

cichlid savage

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 25, 2006
Look up
I also feed my cats frozen smelt cut up into pieces. I have a Planiceps and a paulicea. The fish love them they're cheap. The other fish in the tank eat them as well.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 12, 2006
ZOO YORK 207;874624; said:
I think big cats go on periods of fasting because either their tank water is bad or it's just too small.
The fasting should be controlled by you the owner. It is to simulate a lean time like they may see in nature. I do it with all my fish, the only drawback is increased aggression as some fish may decide to create their own food.:nilly:


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 29, 2009
I just got a pair of RTC and TSN, they are 2" and 4" respectively. I've kept them in a 20gallon tank till such time they are big enough to not be considered dinner for my Silver Arowana in a 200g tank. I have two questions.

A, will a 200g tank (with no large decoration pieces) be big enough for them once they mature?

B, They freak out (especially the TSN) once I turn on the lights of the tank. They're finally eating pellets (Hikari sinking), but they only do so when the lights are turned off. The RTC will go around looking for the pellets, however I have to drop the pellets right on top of the TSN to get its attention, it never eats otherwise. Is this all normal? When will they stop being so light sensitive?


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Try to keep the lights on a schedule, they'll get used to them in time. It'll take some time before they get used to their surroundings. Soon they'll both be going crazy for food and feeding won't be an issue.

A 200g tank will be a good start, but in about 2 months you'll be more concerned about the rtc eating your aro than the other way around.

When you say you have a pair of rtc and tsn, are you saying 1 each, or 2 each. Either way, you're going to need a very large tank or pond to hold them.

I'm currently working on a 6'x12'x4' pond for mine. I've had my rtc for about 5 months now - got him when he was 2", he's now closing in on 20". Depending on the dimensions of your 200g, I would imagine they'll outgrow it in 6months to a year depending on your feeding schedule.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 29, 2009
SpeshulEd;3941812; said:
Try to keep the lights on a schedule, they'll get used to them in time. It'll take some time before they get used to their surroundings. Soon they'll both be going crazy for food and feeding won't be an issue.

A 200g tank will be a good start, but in about 2 months you'll be more concerned about the rtc eating your aro than the other way around.

When you say you have a pair of rtc and tsn, are you saying 1 each, or 2 each. Either way, you're going to need a very large tank or pond to hold them.

I'm currently working on a 6'x12'x4' pond for mine. I've had my rtc for about 5 months now - got him when he was 2", he's now closing in on 20". Depending on the dimensions of your 200g, I would imagine they'll outgrow it in 6months to a year depending on your feeding schedule.

20" in six months??! Thats mad! I knew they grew pretty fast, never realised it would be this quick! I've got a pair of each, I think I'll sell/give away one of each soon, just so that they can stay in the 200g a little longer and I have enough time to figure out a solution.

Thanks a lot for the info, appreciate it!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 4, 2010
nice guys answered all my Q's i just got a 2 inch tsn and rtc for my 180 gallon and this spring im building a larger tank how fast do the really grow? roughly lol (example..like an inch a month ??)


Fire Eel
MFK Member
the.dutchman;3945928; said:
20" in six months??! Thats mad! I knew they grew pretty fast, never realised it would be this quick! I've got a pair of each, I think I'll sell/give away one of each soon, just so that they can stay in the 200g a little longer and I have enough time to figure out a solution.

Thanks a lot for the info, appreciate it!
He's in my 450g with my rays which need to eat daily. He's a pig, now that he's a big boy he cruises the tank most of the day.

I'm going to be an ahole and put him in a 210g by himself shortly. I'm worried he might think of my Dat's as lunch one day.

He shouldn't be in the 210g for long though, I should have a 1000g+ pond by summer. Just trying to find the right contractor for the job. I don't have time to dig it myself, so I think I'm just going to hire a pool company and build a mini pool for my cats.