Kuhli Loach Care Guide


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 13, 2019
Here is another fish I hold very near and dear to my heart, the Kuhli Loach. I love this fish because of it's unique color, pattern, body shape, and behavior. The Kuhli loach is an incredibly active and fun fish to watch, so let's talk about their care
Kuhli Loach

Name: Pangio Kuhli
Endemic to: Tropical rivers of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Java, Borneo, and Sumatra
Size: 3-5 inches (7 cm-12.5 cm)
Water Parameters: 75 - 85 F (24 - 29 C), a pH of 6-7, and medium to soft hardness
Tank Size: 10 gallon minimum (in my opinion), with 20 gallons being optimal (18.5 liters minimum with 37 liters being ideal
Diet: Omnivore, should be fed high quality pellets/flake food as well as frozen food. I fed mine sinking carnivore pellets, algae wafers, and frozen brine shrimp, blood worms, daphnia, and mysis.
Temperament: Peaceful, not a mean bone in their body. Will not fight back if bullied. Also likes to be kept in schools of atleast 6, with 12+ being best, the more the better
Tankmates: Any peaceful fish that likes tropical temperatures that likes acidic to neutral water. Good tankmates include corydoras catfish, otocinclus catfish, tetras, barbs, danios, hatchet fish, live bearers, and
Tank Set Up: a tank of 10 gallons or more (18.5 liters+) with about an inch to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) of a fine sand for the loaches to dig in. The loaches should be kept in groups of atleast 6, thoguh 12 or more is better. The loaches should have a lot of hiding spots to feel secure and should be kept with other peaceful fish. The tank may or may not have a heater (depending on it's natural temperature) and the tank should be filtered to maintain good water parameters. The Kuhli Loach does not need much swimming room as it likes to hide and swim among decorations like plants, rocks, and driftwood.
Breeding: Not much is known about breeding kuhli loaches, it usually happens by accident. The Loaches lay eggs under plants and decorations and the eggs hatch within 24 hours. Infusoria makes a great first food, with baby brine shrimp, vinegar eels, and daphnia also being good foods later on.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
May 16, 2011
Hello; Two things come to mind. One is that hey have a somewhat effective defense. That being a small lateral spine that can be erected. I think this makes them a poor meal. I also think clown loaches have such spines.

Another is they do seem to like snails. Cannot say I have ever witnessed one eating a snail but there are a lot more empty snail shells In a tank with them


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 13, 2019
Hello; Two things come to mind. One is that hey have a somewhat effective defense. That being a small lateral spine that can be erected. I think this makes them a poor meal. I also think clown loaches have such spines.

Another is they do seem to like snails. Cannot say I have ever witnessed one eating a snail but there are a lot more empty snail shells In a tank with them
I have seen them eat very small snails, but that's it, I don't think that's them being aggressive, I think they just come across them and find that they taste good so they eat them


MFK Member
Jan 13, 2019
Lancaster, PA
My lfs only sells the banded kuhli loaches, and the nearest PetSmart only sells the black kuhli Loaches. I have 3 black kuhlis so far.