Losing interest


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
New Mexico
As far as my pets, if one gets sick I treat it if I think it can make it, if it doesn't seem like he'll survive I'll humanely euthanize, sometimes I'll feed one deceased pet to another if it's safe, kinda like a burial at sea. On the people in Asia eating pets: many of the animals in eaten in Asia cause health problems particularly bats, primates, reptiles and predatory animals of many species, if u had a bunch of islands where each was given different meats and no aces to medical care u will notice a major difference in lifespan something like this: reptile diet/ people die in teens to early twenties.
Bird diet/ people live approx 50 60 years.
Fish diet/ people die in twenties to late thirties.
Antelope and deer diet/ people die in 50 65 years.
Predatory mammal diet people live 30 40 years
Was a study done on this? I'd like to read it lol. What about cow/pork diet? Does that fall under antelope/deer?


The Necromancer
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2016
Actually I took this info from various tribes I researched, I used the average diet and average age of death, I also used extinct tribes to get these numbers, in my research I found a lot of interesting things, for example the worst diet in my research appeared to be the all corn diet of a ( now extinct) tribe in Mexico, also good medical and sanitation care added many more years to a persons life than I thought it would( in some cases it added more than 50 years) I used to have drawers and drawers of hand written notes on several subjects but got rid of almost all them 4 or so years ago. Feel free to find your own data if u don't trust mine.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
New Mexico
I was hoping I wouldn't have to do my own research lol. Thats why I asked you.
That's interesting though. What did you accredit the shortened life span to with regards to a reptile based diet? I'm guessing something in the reptile meat consistently making people sick.


The Necromancer
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2016
I don't have enough diet on cow/ beef related diets, but many other animals do poorly on beef due to the fat content, i do know that pork isn't great for u( notice how many religions ban pork) the first reason is because pigs r similar to humans anatomy wise and therefore it's easy to pass diseases between humans and pigs, another thing to note is domestic pigs( particularly older breeds) have a lot of fat.


The Necromancer
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2016
It's hard to find out what exactly kills most reptile eating peoples my theory is parasites combined with poor cooking practices that don't kill off things like salmonella . Some tribes avoid eating reptiles( particularly monitors and tortoises) because a large portion of a tribe died after they shared a meal they hunted.


The Necromancer
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2016
It should be noted that in the pioneer days of the United States many settlers died after eating box turtles, the reason for these deaths: box turtles ate mushrooms that they could tolerate, but killed unfortunate settlers when they ate the flesh with its accumulation of mushroom toxins.


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Sep 2, 2009
Austin, Texas
I have been skipping maintenance because I don't feel well. Whenever I get up from sitting down for even a short period of time I almost pass out. I haven't been feeling well recently.
Have you checked your blood pressure? Sounds like it's crashing on you. Check it standing...when you get this bad feeling

Yuki Rihwa

Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2015
[QUOTE="CarpCharacin said: I have been skipping maintenance because I don't feel well. Whenever I get up from sitting down for even a short period of time I almost pass out. I haven't been feeling well recently.[/QUOTE]

*You have too many excuses, either faulty equipment or health issues, if your health giving up or catching up on you then best focus to get your health better than trying to keep some animals then don't have time to take care of them and then come here posting how depressing you are....
*You should look into some other hobbies that DON'T REQUIRED too much maintain but I doubt about that cause you will have to spend major of time for the hobby no matter what hobby you gonna chose.


MFK Member
Sep 8, 2014

You have too many excuses, either faulty equipment or health issues, if your health giving up or catching up on you then best focus to get your health better than trying to keep some animals then don't have time to take care of them and then come here posting how depressing you are....
*You should look into some other hobbies that DON'T REQUIRED too much maintain but I doubt about that cause you will have to spend major of time for the hobby no matter what hobby you gonna chose.
This. 100% this. Your health comes first, and to be honest if it impacts your animal care and upkeep that much, its time to put the animal's best interests forward and rehome them.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 30, 2013
New Mexico
It should be noted that in the pioneer days of the United States many settlers died after eating box turtles, the reason for these deaths: box turtles ate mushrooms that they could tolerate, but killed unfortunate settlers when they ate the flesh with its accumulation of mushroom toxins.
I've never heard this before. Crazy stuff. I'll do some googling on this between classes.
Are you an anthropologist?