My Catfish Collection :)

Evz jardini

MFK Member
May 19, 2010
manchester /uk
Vince what can I say mate you've made me get the catfish itch now I want I want I want hahahaha that lince is stunning they've always been on my list but way to pricey for me atm :( one day though.
My mates got a decent sized platinum rtc in his display tank at lfs stands out loads on his dark substrate I'd try blagg it off him on finance if it was a short bodied :)
Is that a platinum wallago you've got in one of the pics ? That things got some bling compared to my black dull thing lol
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Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Oct 22, 2013
New York Mets
OMgawd. . . Just beautiful. . .
Thank you! :)
Vince what can I say mate you've made me get the catfish itch now I want I want I want hahahaha that lince is stunning they've always been on my list but way to pricey for me atm :( one day though.
My mates got a decent sized platinum rtc in his display tank at lfs stands out loads on his dark substrate I'd try blagg it off him on finance if it was a short bodied :)
Is that a platinum wallago you've got in one of the pics ? That things got some bling compared to my black dull thing lol
Thanks Danny! I've been on the hunt for a Platinum SBRTC for over a year now! The shiny catfish is a blue sheath catfish :)

Never cease to amaze us vincentwugwg vincentwugwg
But how about some of them bichir? Lets see some of those monsters.
I will count them bichirs some time next month..I don't have too many at the moment, and many of them are still in grow outs... gonna do a catfish, ray and aro thread first :)
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DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
Very nice Vincent! I think the 2 rays steal the show but that's definitely an impressive collection of cats!

How big of a tank do you keep your Lince in? And what else do you house with it if you don't mind me asking?
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