N. brichardi & tank mates


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 2, 2006
South Florida
Well I am finally getting my aquarium together and have got a basic setup going. I have a 55 gallon corner tank with an XP3 for filtration and white crushed coral substrate. My tap water is pretty hard but I will be testing it further in the next week. I'm interested in getting some N. Brichari's for this setup but I was wondering if it were possibly to keep them with some Juli's? The guy at my LFS said if I have enough hiding spaces it should be ok if they are the same size. Is this true? I have also read online that I could possibly get away with one adult Altolamprologus calvus and then some Brichardi's. The only problem is I haven't seen any adult calvus in my area only 1" fry. I'm looking for any input on which route to go and how many fish I will be able to have in this tank.

mike dunagan

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 11, 2006
Pendleton, IN
well calvus at 1 inch will take so long to grow. I have all three in a 120 with other fish... I have 6 comps and calvus 7jules three types and a pair of brichardi... plus a pair of Leleupi... A 55 corner with rock work and some caves spaced through out it will work. Now the calvus or comps will want to eat the fry the brichardi will want to protect the fry.. may have problems, but I say keep those fry in check... they will take over if not watched... hope this helps... if I missed something ask...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 2, 2006
South Florida
Thanks for the quick response. The only question I really have now is how how many juli's and how many brichardi's could I fit in the tank without it being overcrowded? I hear brichardi's breed quite fast so what kind of Tang will keep the fry in check?

mike dunagan

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 11, 2006
Pendleton, IN
I would get a alto comp. like calvus get a little bigger. I would say a pair of brichardi it is all you need. and they may work their way back to a pair, maybe Neolamp leleupi, 2 smaller julies dwarf ones, go to www.cichlidforum.com species profiles to pick the ones you like best...

and then get some featherfins for upper part of the tank...


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 21, 2007
hermosillo, sonora, mexico
well calvus or compss will work if they are bigg enough to take brichardies beat up and will help to controll brichardies population..but generaly the brichardi types are in a species tank because the are very aggresive when frys are in the tank..and the generaly take all over the tank for their schools and overcrowd tanks

now if you whant julies.. chose from the larger species to hold on brichardies and no matter how many you put in there..you'll end with only one pair

if you whant another species choose something aggresive too or something that isn't another rock dweller cause you already have three


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 14, 2007
Mundelein IL
the guy at your LFS was right in saying lots of hiding spots and buying at about the same size. I would think a pair of brichardi, a few (3-5) Julis, and a few leleupi would be close to max. Maybe a comp. or two. The angle of the tank will make decorating it so that all the hiding spots are relatively close together. Where as a reg. rectangular tank you can create several rock piles and more holes and caves...... Good Luck and post some pics.