Noticed labored breathing, any ideas??


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 24, 2006
Ambler, PA
Hey all, My buddy was over my house the other day and said it looks like your fish are breathing really fast. I thought it was because they had just eaten... Well 5 days later and still the same. I know that in a planted tank airstones are a no no, but i dropped a small one in last night and noticed today that they are breathing much more slowly and calmer. This is odd to me because there is definatley a difference, but being a planted tank I didn't think there was a need to supply O2, thats the plants job right? FYI I ran out of Co2 a few weeks ago, dont know if that has anything to do with it. Also the fish are still eating and behaving normally I am just wondering could this cause a problem in the long run? Also my plants mainly Rotella Indica, have this weird green slime growing on the upper foliage. Can anyone post any ideas or fixes to these problems? Or just general input as well? Thanks in advance!!


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 10, 2006
San Diego, CA
What's the temp of your tank? Did you increase it? Hi temps dissolve oxygen quickly. Are your fish scraping their sides against wood, rocks or anything like that. They do this b/c their gills might be irritated. If so maybe you have flukes. Hikari Prazi Pro will cure them but it's along treatment process. I don't know the affects this will have on your plants.