Plywood tank 800 gallon, choice of glass not so simple


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 23, 2023
SGP is a structural laminate.
It sounds like your confusing tear strength (adhesion) with rigidity (hardness). You can manufacture triple and quadruple layer laminate as well.

I've built glass tanks to 3m deep and know of some glass tanks 5m deep but you should be consulting a structural engineer with real world experience (as I do) for tanks 2m or more depth. There is a reason why your not able to find this information freely available on the internet and I would not be trusting information offered on an amateur aquarium forum including this post. The 3.8 safety factor you mention for example is a joke for larger tanks.
Alright got it so it is indeed possible thank you very much, I will be consulting engineer as my plan build is roughly 2.1m deep just dont want to do it with acrylic, would rather go shallow if have to go acrylic route.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Sep 23, 2023
SGP is a structural laminate.
It sounds like your confusing tear strength (adhesion) with rigidity (hardness). You can manufacture triple and quadruple layer laminate as well.

I've built glass tanks to 3m deep and know of some glass tanks 5m deep but you should be consulting a structural engineer with real world experience (as I do) for tanks 2m or more depth. There is a reason why your not able to find this information freely available on the internet and I would not be trusting information offered on an amateur aquarium forum including this post. The 3.8 safety factor you mention for example is a joke for larger tanks.
One more question would you consider anything other than laminated tempered? i mean taking into consideration of tempered glass con 1. randomly exploding (very very rare chance) 2. distortion due heat rolling
As going heat strengthened route would require the panel to be much much thicker or mixing between heat strengthened, annealed and tempered?


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 30, 2007
The tank design (as a whole) will strengthen the aquarium. Your looking at indivual glass pieces. A steel frame or cross braces - depending on your concept for example may be suggested by the engineer.

I didn't want any cross beams so I beefed up the rectangular steel sizes/thickness and rotated my top beams sideways to reduce bowing but flush exterior - so protruding into the tanks (8m tank, 10m tank lengths). This reduces fish jumpers and also protects the top edge of glass.

Your engineer if experienced will have some practical ideas to reduce cost or simplify build. I self built to reduce costs and improve knowledge.


Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 30, 2007
Why dont you discuss your needs with your engineer. He/she will recommend the best outcome if they clearly understand what your after.

I self import my glass from China so I'm able to request any glass recipe - configuration I want. I prefer low iron glass. Safety is extremely high as one of my tanks is 100 tonne water inside the house. Usually I double the minimum requirement my engineer provides (and he would be doubling his safety margin as well) as he has to certify the design.

I keep a lot of fish and I've personally seen a lot of tank failures and some nasty accidents.