SA/ CA American Cichlid suggestion for 300 G

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 1, 2025
Hello Everyone,
This is my first post , so apologies for the mistakes. My 300g tank has a 7yo 8inch parrot, 2 4-5inch buttekoferi, 2 6inch tinfoil barb, 1 5inch severum, 1 7 inch African knife fish. Want to add 2 big cichlids, confused between peacock bass, Red Devil , Jaguar or veija syns.
Tried to add a 6 inch Oscar , that was beaten up. Also tried to add a 5 inch green terror that was killed mostly by the Severum and butterkoferi.

Wanted to know which might be the best match.
Any time you add a single fish to an established hierarchy it's gonna get targeted and beaten, even in a big tank.
A couple of things you can try if you add only 2 fish;
- buy them as big, or slightly bigger than the existing fish
- remove all the tanks décor (territories)
- add them at the same time, at lights out, and leave the lights out for a few days
- Feed the tank as normal during the day, but leave the lights out, just ambient lighting
- If all is well after a few days, return the décor.
Any time you add a single fish to an established hierarchy it's gonna get targeted and beaten, even in a big tank.
A couple of things you can try if you add only 2 fish;
- buy them as big, or slightly bigger than the existing fish
- remove all the tanks décor (territories)
- add them at the same time, at lights out, and leave the lights out for a few days
- Feed the tank as normal during the day, but leave the lights out, just ambient lighting
- If all is well after a few days, return the décor.
Thanks for the tip. Although I had done most of the things that you said. As for the decor I rearranged my driftwood while releasing the new fishes. I released my Oscar and knife fish at once, had to return it as it was getting beaten up. The oscars and green terror that I released were atleast 1-2inches bigger than my existing severum and buttekoferi.

Wanted to add 2 big cichlids(6-7 inch) like peacock bass/ veija syns/ jaguar or Red Devil/midas. Which among these would be the best fit ? Although I’m not as interested in veija. Would like to hear any advice.
I’d put the tilapia in an acclimation box for whatever you add.
I think the red devil or jag may be too aggressive.
Hard to source large sized bass but they’re very cool.
I’d so for the vieja type maybe add at a time while the tilapia is on timeout
From experience, the Buttikoferi will be a problem in the future. At that size is when they really start to raise their aggression level, adding other aggressive species that grow large (>12 inches) like a Red Devil or Jaguar will only cause more trouble imo.
There's no easy answer...
Within each species, there is a range of aggression/attitude.

Before making any additions, I'd fist establish a holding tank or hospital tank to house problems. If you add a fish and it gets beat up, you may need to isolate him to heal. Or if you add a fish and one exiting fish is doing all the bullying, you may consider isolating the bully for a while.

I have several aquariums with several levels of aggression. It's not terribly uncommon for me to have to move a fish from one tank to another due to social conflict in the tank.

You have increased your odds for success by having such a large tank. You've also received some solid perspectives above.

But one critical detail you're missing... pictures...........
Thanks for all the inputs. Unfortunately it is not possible for me to get a hospital tank. Whatever fish I get , if it gets beat up, I return it to LFS ASAP. It is easiest for me to get a 4-5 inch Jaguar as they are more easily available, cheaper and I love how they look, but it seems that won’t be a good idea. Although I would be able get 6-8 inch peacock bass and veija would be a bit hard to get(can try, but they are last on my wish list of fish I want to add ). My only option is to get a suitable fish and hope it settles well. As for moving into another tank, that would not be possible for me as my other tank is just 55 gallon and has goldfish in it. The most aggressive fish in my 300g is the oddly the Severum which used to bully my tinfoil barbs but that has stopped since the past 1-2 months.


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Also from what I can understand the level of aggression would be Jaguar > Red Devil/Midas > Veija > peacock Bass. Am I correct ? Where would the buttikoferi and Severum fall in this list ?
Also from what I can understand the level of aggression would be Jaguar > Red Devil/Midas > Veija > peacock Bass. Am I correct ? Where would the buttikoferi and Severum fall in this list ?

All individuals are different, having owned a Buttikoferi, multiple Jags and one Red Devil, I would say it’s more like Buttikoferi>/=Red Devil>Jaguar>>>>>>>>everything else
when you say severum, are you referring to the bloody parrot?