Small bass beating the hell out of bigger bass.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 1, 2011
Richmond, VA
So I posted a thread a couple days ago about my baby dying on new years. So I picked up a new Mono who was smaller and was worried about him being beatin up. But it seems like its the total opposite. He has been chasing, biting, and smashing into the side of my bigger bass, who I care so much more about. Im just wondering how the hell this is happening. The bigger bass can kick his ass no problem so I guess hes just being a puss.

The new bass has been eating like crazy, so much more social, and very chill so far. Hes always at the front of the tank begging, even when his belly is so full I think hes gonna puke. He eats so much more than any other fish, I dont know if thats another way of showing dominance, but he does not like sharing let me tell you. Hes only 4" and shoved 4 feeder goldfish in his mouth, I got pictures it was so crazy.

Just today he has been a devil. Even this morning he was being cool, but now hes bashing the other fish. Hes even pecked at my catfish who can almost swallow him. The bass usually swim together all day and follow eachother every where. Now the bigger bass wants nothing to do with him, but he keeps following and abusing him.

Sorry for the long story but I had to rant for a little bit. Any advice would be great.


PS. I have been feeding them alot less to try and pellet train them, might be a factor.


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Nov 15, 2010
los angeles, ca
my 2 cents: get rid of the aggressor. there are always individuals (irregardless of species/type of fish) that can have the devil in them. also, if you feed less, the aggressor may become even more aggressive because it's hungry....trying to switch foods may also piss off the aggressor even more can add a divider, but I would just take it back and try a different mono from a different batch. trial and error. If a new fish started beating up on my babies, I'd kick the s**t out of it. hehe. good luck.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 1, 2011
Richmond, VA
Thats what Im saying. My girlfriend tried to hit him with a net lol I had to stop her. But It would suck to bring him back, I might actually pick up 2 more smaller guys so maybe the beating is spread out. What you guys think?


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
Nov 15, 2010
los angeles, ca
Thats what Im saying. My girlfriend tried to hit him with a net lol I had to stop her. But It would suck to bring him back, I might actually pick up 2 more smaller guys so maybe the beating is spread out. What you guys think?
Haha I was speaking figuratively,,,, glad you stopped your girl friend! You could try adding more to spread the aggression..... . There will always be an alpha/dominant fish in a tank (degree varies from fish to fish) BUT based on your description, I wouldn't try it. I would think more about the emotionally attached fish I already own.... yes yes I get emotionally attached to some fish. :) IMO, get rid of it.... imagine if it was bigger?

I'm sure others will chime in with good advice.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 21, 2009
North Jersey
Give him some time, he will mellow out at one point...........Shoot out some pix of that little devil


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 1, 2011
Richmond, VA
Thanks man, that was in the back of my mind but I guess I need some pushing to take him back.

This was the first sign of aggresion Ive seen out of him. Hes been in there for 2 days now and was doing great and fitting in well. But Im gonna keep more of an eye on him now. I hope he was just really hungry and pissed off. But he eats like F'ing crazy. I cant believe how big his stomach is right now and he still is begging for food and pecking on anything that moves. I tried to feed the other bass cause I knew the other bass was way to full to eat, but ofcourse he still eats another feeder.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 1, 2011
Richmond, VA
heres the pic of the "Devil Bass" Houdini. He has 2 feeder heads sticking out of his mouth still breathing and another feeder in there somewhere plus one already in the belly lol. Hes a hog.



Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 1, 2011
Richmond, VA
Fish usually do better solo or 3 or more. Go get a few more :)
I think I might, but I want something different but dont want to spend over $100 bucks on a fish. I do have some fish that I have spent that much money on, but right now is not the right time to do that. So if you guys know of some different fish for sale let me know, I really like Azuls and kelberis but Ive only seen them at 150+.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 21, 2009
North Jersey
heres the pic of the "Devil Bass" Houdini. He has 2 feeder heads sticking out of his mouth still breathing and another feeder in there somewhere plus one already in the belly lol. Hes a hog.

NICE looking Devil Bass, and if he keeps eating like that, he's going to be a BEAST......Keep me posted