Steatocranus care


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 9, 2021
Anybody got care tips on steatocranus?
I read recently they need very high flow which I could understand but I also read that some species are found in pool malebo in slower flowing areas.

What are good tankmates for them? I believe congo tetras can be found in the same habitat. Rainbowfish and corydoras might work as well? Both can be found in moving water although not as turbid as something like hillstream loaches
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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Aug 6, 2011
Anybody got care tips on steatocranus?
I read recently they need very high flow which I could understand but I also read that some species are found in pool malebo in slower flowing areas.

What are good tankmates for them? I believe congo tetras can be found in the same habitat. Rainbowfish and corydoras might work as well? Both can be found in moving water although not as turbid as something like hillstream loaches
I personally don't have any experience with the species. Info in thread below until other experienced members chime in.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jul 19, 2015
Anybody got care tips on steatocranus?
I read recently they need very high flow which I could understand but I also read that some species are found in pool malebo in slower flowing areas.
Even these slow-flowing pools in which some Steatocranus species are found have more current than we can create in a normal aquarium. But this doesn't mean you need a lot of current to keep and breed them successfully. Well oxygenated water is enough. But current can help with aggression and will encourage more natural behaviours.

What are good tankmates for them? I believe congo tetras can be found in the same habitat. Rainbowfish and corydoras might work as well? Both can be found in moving water although not as turbid as something like hillstream loaches
Most available Congo tetras are found in clear or tanin stained water, Steatocranus are often found in sediment rich white water. So they do not directly share the same habitat. But they still make good tank mates. Rainbowfish too.

Corydoras may be killed when the Steatocranus breed. It depends a bit on tank size and structure.
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