My albino channa, now pushing 6 inches is now looking like a sriata.
I used to think it was micropeltes, but micropeltes have a kind of oblong tail, and mine has a very round more feathery tail. It also has a taller dorsal fin than micros.
How big do striatas usually get in captivity? And are they more aggressive than micros? Mine is VERY aggressive. Even when it's ful and been fed it tries to kill everything, even fish bigger than it.
I used to think it was micropeltes, but micropeltes have a kind of oblong tail, and mine has a very round more feathery tail. It also has a taller dorsal fin than micros.
How big do striatas usually get in captivity? And are they more aggressive than micros? Mine is VERY aggressive. Even when it's ful and been fed it tries to kill everything, even fish bigger than it.