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Who here has kept striatas?

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
My albino channa, now pushing 6 inches is now looking like a sriata.

I used to think it was micropeltes, but micropeltes have a kind of oblong tail, and mine has a very round more feathery tail. It also has a taller dorsal fin than micros.

How big do striatas usually get in captivity? And are they more aggressive than micros? Mine is VERY aggressive. Even when it's ful and been fed it tries to kill everything, even fish bigger than it.
yeah i got 2, but i've had my normal color one for over 2yrs, it's a freakn psycho....

striatas will grow as big as you let them, but just not as fast as micropeltes...

i've seen albino ones here in the wild, and they are U G L Y !
thanks for the info, interesting that you say they don't grow as fast.

I have had mine 3 weeks I think, and its grown almost an inch a week. No kidding. It was 3.5 inches and now it's longer than my oscars, about 6 inches.

Feed it mainly hikari cichlid gold pellets.
wow.. that is fast... so, how many pellets a day? they must be packed with vitamins.

mine is at 7 inches, and i've had it 2.5 yrs...

i've had it since it was a fry.... since feeding on seamonkeys... and now only on feeders... but befroe, i would only feed it maybe 2 feeders every 3days ! but for the past week, about 4/day, andi can already see it growing...

it odd you say that your attacks everything in site... mine is cool with a tank mate... it's sharing with my new micropeltes, and they've been together for a week now... they cool...

but i know i'll have to split them up sooner or later, cus when the micropeltes gets bigger, i think it's gonna go down !

but it used to kill every pleco i put in there...

lets see a shot RS, i know you mentioned the camera thing, but i'd still like to have a look.
contender, I'll post a pic later, I promise, but it will be crap. I'm trying to find my slide adaptor for my scanner, then I'll take some REAL shots with my slr.

I've been feeding it a lot. Quite a few pellets a day until it's belly looks quite full, 3 times a day. Damn lucky it started eating pellets so easily. They are very high in protein and have LOADS of vitamins. I also feed it the odd cockle or pieces of market shrimp.

I can't believe yours is only 7 inches after 2.5 years.

Is that normal for a striata? Surely mine can't be a striata then? Mine's growth rate is scary, it's grown faster even than my old micropeltes. And much faster than my wolf which I've had a while. It's also a cold blooded killer. It attacks stuff for fun.
by the way it was an accident getting it to eat pellets, I was crushing some pellets on a plate that I had cut up a monkfish fillet for the snakehead. The pellets obviously smelt of monkfish and the channa started gobbling them. Now he just gobbles them all day.

yeah man, like i said, i really didnt feed it a lot because i didnt want it to grow at a normal rate.

and you're feeding yours health supplements and protien shakes !!!

bust out the slr and lets see this bad boy.

i just tried to move my bleheris into my albino sh tank, and he thought it was cool at first,,, then things got too exciting so decided to claim the tank and kick some bleheri ass... looks like they wont be tank mates...
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