Why goldfish are cool - a visual primer.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Feb 28, 2011
Indiana USA
Love the external brain! :)
Ah! It creeps me out man. It always reminds me of a futurama episode where there are floating brains with super powers taking over the world, and I think the goldfish are plotting something similar.

And I feel like if they bump into something, their brain is going to get all mashed up. I know it's not a real brain, but it still freaks me out.
Ah! It creeps me out man. It always reminds me of a futurama episode where there are floating brains with super powers taking over the world, and I think the goldfish are plotting something similar.

And I feel like if they bump into something, their brain is going to get all mashed up. I know it's not a real brain, but it still freaks me out.
I've seen it before. I really enjoy their work, but this particular setup would have been better with some loaches and tetras or perhaps some golden barbs, a lot of water movement and perhaps a rubber lipped pleco or three.