Will this work in a 55....?


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Feb 20, 2008
Fife - Scotland
leeboy;3514139; said:
Hello, just wanted to ask you experienced monster fish keepers if you think my stocking ideas would work in a 55?

Right what I'm looking at....

2 green terrors, 2 pictus cats, 1 royal pleco, 1 pearl eartheater cichlid, 2 flag cichlids, 6 corydoras?

not all of those will fit into a 55. the GT and the pictus will be ok but the eartheater will get large and from what ive read are territorial so that will conflict with a GT in the small confines of a 55.

i would avoid the larger plecos as they are waste factories and you would probably need to have some serious filtration to cope with a large cichlid, catfish and a large pleco's mess. you get many smaller plecos that will be just as stunning. gold bristlenose look great, help with algae control on the glass/decor, are generally always active and dont get big.

the flag cichlids wont be able to cope with the GT as it grows, they are in different leagues. the cories are also a no no as they may be killed by the GT or even worse, they may kill your GT if it tries to eat them by choking the GT when they lodge in its throat with their spines, killing both fish.

i would personally have the GT, a bristlenose plec and 4 pictus. if your going to upgrade in about 6 months then the Geo will be fine as long as the 55 is a growout. maybe 4-6 filament barbs or torpedo barbs as top level dithers.