treating fish disease

  1. M

    Bloated flowerhorn

    I know this has been brought up a number of times but I have a 5 year old flowerhorn with a bloated belly not eating and at bottom of the tank. I originally tried general cure for 3 days with epsom salt and peas but he wouldn’t eat and didn’t help he was floating at that point but couldn’t get...
  2. C

    Help with white spots on my Oscar’s eye!

    So for the last 2 weeks I have been battling ick in my tank which I have been treating with copper and I have finally got to a point where there are almost no spots left on any of the fish except I’m noticing now white spots on my Oscar’s eye. initially there were white spots all over their...
  3. S

    flowerhorn head have blister like pops

    what happened to my flowerhorn. it has blister like pops on its head and how to treat it. please help. it is eating its food i have alraedy changed 50% water.
  4. DanHOB

    Stingray not eating and acting scared of food?!?!

    I recently lost my hybrid stingray, he stopped eating and was breathing really fast. Literally as soon as he died n my partner got it out of the tank my pearl stingray started acting weird... he swam on his side and sat over an air stone and his breathing slowed dramatically. Since then he is...
  5. Dustin0413


    This forum and posts from members such as RD and others have become a valuable tool in successful fish keeping. I thank you! I cannot say enough good things about 3% magnesium sulfate treatment for GI problems with my African cichlids. I should make it known that I have not had one fish in...