125 Gallon Peacock Tank Deaths


Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2018
Hey guys, so long story short in my 2 month old peacock tank Im loosing nearly a fish every other day, water parameters are good. I added 18 1-1.5in assorted peacock when I first got the tank, all was well up through the cycling period. Once Nitrates were there and nitrites and ammonia were gone I added the next batch of 18 1-1.5in peacocks.

Right before I added the new ones (They were quarantined for two weeks) I started loosing fish. I had lost 2 peacocks after the tank had cycled over to nitrate, I didn't think it was overly strange and added in the new group of 18 totaling me around 30 plus a common pleco who is 3-4ins atm and at the time my juvi red spotted sevrum.

Now Before I get to far into it, the tank is being filtered by a 29 gallon trickle sump that has 2,000 1in bio balls and a return pump rated for alittle over 2k gph running at half, so around 1000gph. With two 300w Aquatop heaters set at 79 degrees.

Over the last two weeks Ive lost nearly 12 fish, including my juvi red spotted who I've had for 4 months now. The fish act alittle lethargic, will go off into a corner or under the driftwood or rocks and hide, aren't overly interested in food and are dying usually with their mouths open. Water quality is fine, my water ph sits out of tap at 7.6-7.8 here. This is the only tank I've ever had this much trouble with and I'm at a loss as to whats killing these fish.

Theres no physical aliments prior to death other then the above mentioned, I did a 50% water change about a week ago and another one when I got home Saturday to 3 dead peacocks after being gone roughly 24 hours.

Thanks guys, and hopefully someone knows whats going on, my lfs owner, who is also a close friend, is at a loss as well and hes been in the fish hobby for 20+ years.

Also alittle back story on me, I've been in the hobby for two years and own 2 29 gallon tanks and a 75 gallon rainbow fish community tank so I'm not totally new but still have alot to learn.


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
Mar 26, 2008
Medina, Ohio
Sorry for you fish losses!

Can you post the test results for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

I will assume that you have been doing regular water changes AND adding the correct dechlor product for your water source as you don't comment on issues with the other 3 tanks.

Are you adding any other additives such as buffers, plant food, etc.?

When you say the fish go off into a corner, would that be a top corner of the tank? I'm wondering if some of the fish are harassing others which can contribute to stress related deaths.

Any chance you can post a good pic of the tank set up?
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Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2018
I'd been doing 50% water changes bi weekly on this tank. I use API tap water conditioner in this tank as well as all my other tanks. Other then some API aquarium salt nothing else is added to this tank except the de- chlorinator I mentioned.

The last test reading I got Friday afternoon read 0,0, >20ish ppm for nitrate.

As for the corner they'll go into the top, bottom, under a rock, under the big drift piece and just lay there, now I haven't actually seen one die as of now, just find their body's later.



Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2018
Some have had white stringy poop but I don't think any of them have had sunken bellies. Though I could be wrong on that.


Black Skirt Tetra
MFK Member
Jan 14, 2018
I'll usually does them with API Melafix and treat them for ich if I see it (I've luckily only had to deal with it twice). Would Sea-chem Metroplex help with internal parasites? I've been using it to treat hole in the head on one of my angle fish.


MFK Moderators
Staff member
MFK Member
Mar 3, 2009
I'll usually does them with API Melafix and treat them for ich if I see it (I've luckily only had to deal with it twice). Would Sea-chem Metroplex help with internal parasites? I've been using it to treat hole in the head on one of my angle fish.
Metroplex should work. Instead of treating the water, mix a dose of metro in a small amount of tank water in a plastic cup. Drop some pellets in the mixture, let it soak then dump it in the tank. Don't let the food soak to the point of getting soggy.