Baltimore Riot?

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MFK Member
Mar 23, 2013
That's easy for you to say when you don't have countless criminals trying to kill you all day long! All it takes is a split second to make a decision, you make the wrong one and your dead! You keyboard warriors have no idea what it's like being a cop in a real bad area- no idea!

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I live in Toronto. We have quite the high crime rate and murders. I know plenty of cops. Don't compare my experiences like you know them.

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MFK Member
Mar 23, 2013
That's easy for you to say when you don't have countless criminals trying to kill you all day long! All it takes is a split second to make a decision, you make the wrong one and your dead! You keyboard warriors have no idea what it's like being a cop in a real bad area- no idea!

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When site gets tuff are you allowed to break the law to get by? No. You know the rules and risks when you become a cop. You don't get to bend those rules because **** gets hard. You sound like a thug that's pro cops

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MFK Member
Apr 6, 2015
bristol, pa
So is basically what your saying...... anyone that runs or is drunk or high, talks back or disrespectful should be either beaten or shot?

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MFK Member
Mar 28, 2012
Third rock from the sun
Your rights are effected as every other Americans rights are. Do you think that your going to be excluded if martial law is implemented? You'll be caged and thrown into a confinement camp with people just like the looters.

I'm not going to argue and try and educate people on their own Country.

But you guys wouldn't have all those rights and freedoms to begin with if your ancestors didn't fight for them. A lot of u guys seem to forget that.

You seem to forget that fighting for your freedom doesn't always happen in another country while your part of a military navy or army. Like I brought up already. Prohibition. If u drinks alcohol your guilty of promoting this kind of behavior. There was murder bribery and riots to eliminate prohibition

They are rolling over in there graves right now because the only people who have the balls to stand up to a corrupt government right now is blacks.

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I completely understand why they riot. I'm not arguing that point. My point is that these rioters are in the wrong any way you put it. Should it be okay to rob gas stations and loot Walgreens? They must think so.

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MFK Member
Mar 23, 2013
I completely understand why they riot. I'm not arguing that point. My point is that these rioters are in the wrong any way you put it. Should it be okay to rob gas stations and loot Walgreens? They must think so.

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No but what else do you think they should do ? Do some research they have been peacefully rioting for weeks did you see anything on the news? No. They tried the calm and polite way. The family of the dead kid requested it. But if no one listens how do you get your voices heard?

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MFK Member
Feb 19, 2006
Couldn't agree more. 99% of the time. But what happens if u got a cop who wanted to prove a point that day. If u got your ass beat did you deserve it or were you a victim?

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If I got my ass beat doing something illegal than have no problems with that- I deserved it. Just like when my mom or Dad soaked me- I deserved it and guess what I learned RESPECT!
All these people who support these thugs and riot most likely have grown up with no family or parents who have shown them respect for others or discipline and I strongly believe in having God in your life and having morals.

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MFK Member
Mar 23, 2013
If I got my ass beat doing something illegal than have no problems with that- I deserved it. Just like when my mom or Dad soaked me- I deserved it and guess what I learned RESPECT!
All these people who support these thugs and riot most likely have grown up with no family or parents who have shown them respect for others or discipline and I strongly believe in having God in your life and having morals.

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Soo let me get this straight. You get caught racing. Let's say by city law your suppose to pay a fine have your license suspended and lose your car.. that's been the established punishment put in place by the very person pulling you over.

Now he can beat your ass because he feels like it and you feel like you deserve it ? Lol not to be rude but that sound like a Lil Biach way of living to me haha

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MFK Member
Mar 23, 2013
If I got my ass beat doing something illegal than have no problems with that- I deserved it. Just like when my mom or Dad soaked me- I deserved it and guess what I learned RESPECT!
All these people who support these thugs and riot most likely have grown up with no family or parents who have shown them respect for others or discipline and I strongly believe in having God in your life and having morals.

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If you had grandparents or great grandparents who fought for freedom in that country they would probably be upset with what you just said. I know what you said is probably the least patriotic thing I have ever heard

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MFK Member
Feb 19, 2006
So is basically what your saying...... anyone that runs or is drunk or high, talks back or disrespectful should be either beaten or shot?

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No, I don't think anyone should get shot unless they think their life is in danger and that is the same rule that cops are taught. Like I said their are many circumstances that you only have a split second to make that call or you die. It's not easy. And yes, I think people should be helped down the stairs a few times if you know what I mean.

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MFK Member
Apr 6, 2015
bristol, pa
I just want to make clear.... I do not support these riots or race baiters. I stand behind the police. At the Sametime I firmly believe there is a clear and definitive line that has been crossed by some cops. There is an issue with excessive force used by law enforcement in america.

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