best cichlid community you ever had or still do


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 4, 2009
Mechanicsburg, PA
$200 for a 300 gallon tank.. yeah... ok. Even that's a bit cheap for your area.

But like I said, this isn't a pissing contest.. When all your fish kill eachother, we will be here to say we told you so.

All we tried to do was give you advice.. but you don't want to hear it.. why post then?

You instead decided to make attacks at people about things you know nothing about.

We have all told you the obvious: your tanks are over crowded. they will kill eachother off. just because you say you are buying a big tank doesn't mean it will actually happen.

Take it or leave it. but stop posting threads on a PUBLIC forum if you don't want feedback.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 28, 2011
k well i am going to do monthly updates of my tank so everyone could see how good my fish are doing , and im not going to comment on the other things u said ,


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 4, 2009
Mechanicsburg, PA
Gotcha buddy.

How's that african aro doing btw?


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 28, 2011
it died a day after buying it , he was to starved


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 4, 2009
Mechanicsburg, PA
So right there is proof enough that sometimes things happen and fish die, and there is nothing you can do.


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jan 5, 2011
Niagara Falls, New York
Well, lots of reading here... lots of back and forth too. I just wanted to say that I have a 265g tank, which is not all that big and have some pretty large aggessive cichlids in there. My fish get along very well and up until last week showed zero signs of serious battles. Most of these guys have been together for a year now and most are between 8"-10". I know full well that my fish might seem to be getting along fine, but that can change very quick. I'm prepared to let a few go when I need to and have already done so. I plan on moving a few more in a couple of months... unless they make me do it sooner. Everyone has their personal preferance and me I like to have a tank with fish in it. I'm not knocking any tanks that only have a few fish, but that is just what I like... within reason. I have 12 cichlids between 5"-10" and they are all in great condition. I wish I could afford a tank twice the size of mine, but I can not. I really like a lot of tanks on MFK and I'am open to having a tank with 3-5 fish again. Before the stock I have now I had a Jag, RD, JD, Butti and Silver Aro in the 265g wiith waaaay more aggression than I have had over the past year with my current stock. The Jag beat the heck out of the other three... they were crampped into a corner all the time. That tank was not much fun watching one fish swim around and three others looking real scared, lol. Needless to say I sold them and started over with the guys I have now and love this setup waaay better. That is just me... good luck to all.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 10, 2008
Astoria, NY
Depends on tank size but I have been successful with a Amphilophus community tank.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 10, 2007
in your mind's eye
Well, lots of reading here... lots of back and forth too. I just wanted to say that I have a 265g tank, which is not all that big and have some pretty large aggessive cichlids in there. My fish get along very well and up until last week showed zero signs of serious battles. Most of these guys have been together for a year now and most are between 8"-10". I know full well that my fish might seem to be getting along fine, but that can change very quick. I'm prepared to let a few go when I need to and have already done so. I plan on moving a few more in a couple of months... unless they make me do it sooner. Everyone has their personal preferance and me I like to have a tank with fish in it. I'm not knocking any tanks that only have a few fish, but that is just what I like... within reason. I have 12 cichlids between 5"-10" and they are all in great condition. I wish I could afford a tank twice the size of mine, but I can not. I really like a lot of tanks on MFK and I'am open to having a tank with 3-5 fish again. Before the stock I have now I had a Jag, RD, JD, Butti and Silver Aro in the 265g wiith waaaay more aggression than I have had over the past year with my current stock. The Jag beat the heck out of the other three... they were crampped into a corner all the time. That tank was not much fun watching one fish swim around and three others looking real scared, lol. Needless to say I sold them and started over with the guys I have now and love this setup waaay better. That is just me... good luck to all.
8-10 inches is when they're starting to reach full maturity. hell will break loose very soon or maybe youv'e started to see it already. and these cichlids will still gain over double their current mass when they reach 14-15 inches plus, that is if they live that long. most fishkeepers don't realize how big cichlids actually get because they dont take good enough care of them to make it that far. choose a few of your favorites and give them a large tank with territories to claim as their own. none of us really own a big enough tank to keep full grown large breed cichlids. green terra's tank is ideal for full grown bruisers

Depends on tank size but I have been successful with a Amphilophus community tank.
how long have you kept them together? for years? is it still working?


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Jun 27, 2010
Las Vegas
aro - geo comm:
20 in silver aro
4x geo. abalios?
4x geo steindachneri
2x geo balzani
1x male salvini

tank becomes a bit of a warzone when the steins are in breeding mode. but that only lasts a day or two. plan on growing out some green terror, vieja bifasciatus or some oscars. def going to get my salvini a GF or two lol.
