
Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Sep 30, 2010
Puyallup, WA
Again, I have no issues. Because I take precautionary measures for all possible issues. Again, I am just trying to find possible causes for others having issues. Everyone at one point thinks that they are doing everything perfect and all of a sudden, they have an outbreak. What caused this, what is the most common thing that we could point to.

As for my Dovii, I was certain that I was doing it all perfectly. I had clean gravel, I moved items in the tank a constantly cleaned under them. But to my surprise, when I pulled out the bog wood, I noticed that on the bottom of it, growing in the crevices, and inside some of the holes, were decaying food and waste. I would never have seen it if I hadn't taken the wood out and actually inspected it. So, in the case with my Dovii, I believe it probably was the crap that helped facilitate the issue.

And the water question, was just a question. A hmmmmmm, I wonder type question. Me, I wont take chances that what my water company adds wont affect my investment. But thats just me. :)


MFK Member
Jun 24, 2010
Rose City
If you really don't trust your water company, invest in a large RO system and a holding tank for the water, and a water treatment to deal with the elements you're taking out with the process. ;)


Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 9, 2007
Northwest Canada
Me, I wont take chances that what my water company adds wont affect my investment. But thats just me.
Ditto, I speak with the head honcho at our local facility on an annual basis, and I've had analytical reports faxed to me for the past 20 yrs or more. I've also been researching the potential effects that all of the various elements found in our local water supply contain, and my conclusion is that the more tap water that I can throw at my fish, the faster they grow, and the healthier that they are. Not the opposite. :) Right now my cold water line is sitting at 50F as it leaves the tap, so peforming massive water changes on a regular basis, via just the cold line, is out of the question. While fish may experience changes in water temperature in natural bodies of water, nothing quite that drastic. lol


MFK Member
Feb 26, 2011
Pgh PA
I can't believe it! I just lost a G. pellegrini male to this and had never seen it or heard of it before, now there's this post. I'm glad you guys gave such detailed info on this, I'd have never guessed a columnaris was responsible. Like an earlier poster, I thought it was either lip-locking damage or an injury from swimming into the wood.

I keep the tank bare-bottom except for the wood, but forgot to clean the cartridges in the Emporer filter for about a month, add to that going about three weeks without a water change (I'm in school full time and work full time and we were in the middle of final exams), it confirms my concerns that it was the water quality.

I was on the fence though, because I have S. daemon in the same tank which are reportedly more sensitive to water conditions, and it's fine.


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Sep 30, 2010
Puyallup, WA
I have a friend that just lost 3 of his fish to it, and another that is dealing with a form of Columnaris. What ever is causing this to be more of an epidemic, is really a cause of concern. I understand that poor water quality and decade food are breeding grounds for this, but I think, just like the common cold the better our immune systems the stronger the bacteria/virus gets. I really wonder if the same thing is happening in our tanks. What we use to think was clean and healthy, may not be good enough any more.