Festae project


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Aug 1, 2010
New bedford mass
I think you should try them together and if it dosent work out just divided them. I say this because when I got my new male divided them for three days then took out the divider and watched then for a few hours. They paired then spawned five days later.


MFK Member
Sep 1, 2006
The tank looks good. I think that you might turn the power head down abit, but I'm not sure it's a big deal.
I'd give them some time to get comfy and see what they do. She looks interested to me. And I think keeping them divided is fine for now. Putting them together would be fine if you could watch the tank constantly, but iyt only takes a few minutes for one to trash the other. Good job with the set up, can't wait to see updates and hopefully i'll be able to make it in to see them again soon!


MFK Member
Jun 7, 2010
New Orleans LA
That pleco is going to die! One of them will kill the pleco! It is hard to tell with Festae. Just keep your two eyes on the pair. In fact put some glasses on and keep four eyes on them. LoL! I've Been breeding them since the early 90's. No two pair are the same. The female is not always the one killed. Females are extremely vicious at times. That female you have there is very nice and close in size to your male. She can easily kill your male. The best advice is be patient and let the pair of festae do the rest. If all else fails, Purchase 50 tanks and load them up with festae. It worked for me!LoL! Both of the festae are nice and I would hate for you to lose any one of them. Good luck!


MFK Member
Dec 15, 2010
LOL, that pleco looks jacked up.

But Yeah, I need to totally let the guy know and see the video.

6 bar

MFK Member
Dec 26, 2007
Antelope Valley
I would add more decor and hiding place a few dither fish. We have ours in a 230g community tank and they have spawned 3 times since march in this setup with no fighting between the pair. You can tell when they are close to spawning the male goes a silver color and the female gets deep red. We then do a 20 percent water change add cold water and in a few days they spawn. good luck

Thank you for your input. I will keep that in mind. Do you happen to have any pictures of how the fish look when they are close to spawning?

6 bar

MFK Member
Dec 26, 2007
Antelope Valley
Thank you all for your responses. I have turned down the powerhead and have am now on my second day of feeding brine shrimp.

That pleco is going to die! One of them will kill the pleco! It is hard to tell with Festae. Just keep your two eyes on the pair. In fact put some glasses on and keep four eyes on them. LoL! I've Been breeding them since the early 90's. No two pair are the same. The female is not always the one killed. Females are extremely vicious at times. That female you have there is very nice and close in size to your male. She can easily kill your male. The best advice is be patient and let the pair of festae do the rest. If all else fails, Purchase 50 tanks and load them up with festae. It worked for me!LoL! Both of the festae are nice and I would hate for you to lose any one of them. Good luck!
Roadrunner, thank you for sharing from your experience. I will be patient. I really don't want to take out the divider. Do you figure I should raise the temperature in the tank? It's currently at 80.5 degrees.


MFK Member
Jun 7, 2010
New Orleans LA
Yes! I would raise the temperature a little. I keep my tanks with my pairs in them between 86 and 88 degrees. Make sure to keep your oxygen levels up with those high temps though. My fish room is cool in the summer time. The advice about changing the water and adding cold water is excellent advice. It really does work well. You can also turn your heaters off for a few days or a week. Then turn them back on to the temps I stated earlier. I've had excellent results with this method as well. Also, the eggs will be fertilized through the egg crate if you continue to keep them separated. I do it from time to time when either the male or female is acting up. I hope this helps!


MFK Member
Nov 19, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
lots of small somewhat colder water changes,
Will do the trick theyre ready
wait till her tubes show, and remove the wall,
do a water change and see what happens
if they fight put the wall back and seperate and
try a little later,